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Sunny offered me to kiss him, I said 'sure'. I feel like I should enjoy it. I need to enjoy it, I want to enjoy it.

Sunny slowly inches towards my face. I hold his chin and he holds my shoulders. I kiss him. It feels just like I thought it would, it's warm.

You make me want to plan out my last days on earth eating you.

I let go, feeling amazing. It feels so nice. So great. As if I got a taste of heaven. It feels like someone cares about me.

"That felt... so... nice..." I mutter. Sunny nodded his head. I feel so relaxed, like the word favored me.

" d-dating?" I slowly speak as my face flusters into a light, peach red. "Y-yeah... are we a couple now?" He asks.

I guess we are a couple, after you kiss someone that means your in a relationship, right? I haven't had any experience and neither has sunny. I'd ask hero, but for obvious reasons he'd stare me in the eyes and cry.

And if I ask Kel, He'll ask who and if I tell him, he'll hate me. Mostly cause he used to have a crush on Sunny. And if he found out he wouldn't ever have a chance with him, that would break his heart.

But I also have to remember, we will have to tell everyone eventually. It's not always low key. Aubrey will most likely give me relationship advice, I'm not sure if she's been in one before. She's really close to some of the hooligans, but not close enough to date them.

"I guess we're a couple now, when will we tell everyone?" I ask. Sunny looks like he's thinking. "When it's time. They may find out early, they may not." He answers, sounding oddly sophisticated.

"Yeah, I guess your right." I giggle a bit and cup my hands over his hand.

I know Aubrey finds out things fast. But the bad part of that is kel. And if Aubrey tells him, like I've repeated, he will hate me.

I assume everyone will hate me. It's just a 'normal' thing for me. Everyone around me makes me insecure.

Make sure your good basil!

Be nice.

Be better.

Please don't make that face.

Be calm.

Invest in someone else.

Stop being clingy.

Those thoughts always follow me. I followed nothing they asked. Except nice. I believe I'm nice, I don't think I could be a bad person, right?

One more hand to hold [ Sunflower / Sunny x Basil ] Where stories live. Discover now