Fighter #07 - Fox

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- Fox has the top score on every arcade game in the mansion, except for Dance Dance Revolution. He's two points away from beating Kirby's high score.

- Little Mac gave him Fruit Gushers once and now they're his favorite snack.

- He threw a Poke Ball during a match once and a Zorua popped out. Over the course of the battle, it started developing feelings for him. That one-sided relationship has been going strong ever since.

- He hates that they simplified the Firefox logo, which is funny considering he hated using Firefox in the first place. He always thought it was slow and unreliable.

- Sonic keeps asking to join Team Star Fox and Fox keeps rejecting him.

- Sonic and Fox have a big sibling dynamic. They get along great, but sometimes they get on each other's nerves.

- Whenever Fox does his "Come at me" taunt, Sonic always says "Come at me, bro", which annoys him tremendously.

- When he thinks he's alone, he starts spinning his blaster around and pretending he's in an old Western film. He and his dad used to play pretend all the time when he was younger, so sometimes he just likes to emulate his childhood a bit. If Sonic passes by, he'll make fun of him a little before joining in.

- Small flames flicker around him when he gets angry. The more infuriated he is, the stronger the fire gets. Sonic once made a joke about Fox being a wannabe Goku, which led to a Sonic-shaped hole in the wall.

- As confident as he can be, Fox is often hard on himself because he wants his friends to trust him. He knows that he's been reckless in the past and often worries that it's affected how they view him.

- He's very paranoid about Andross being in Smash. Sure, he's just an assist trophy, but the dude killed both of his parents. Fox just can't rest easy knowing the same could happen to his closest friends.

- Fox is a master martial artist. He may be known for his proficiency in ranged weapons, but he can handle himself in close combat, too.

- He's pretty outgoing when attending parties. If there's a dance floor, he's one of the first ones on it. He may not look like much, but he actually rivals Rob when it comes to doing the robot.

- Aside from the robot, most of Fox's dancing consists of tons of fancy footwork. But sometimes, those fancy moves are too much to handle and he trips over his own foot.

- A while ago, Fox came back from a mission with an adorable alien fluffball. He brought it into the mansion hoping he'd be able to keep it, but Falco refused to let it happen.

- When he first became the leader of Star Fox, he was terrible at maintaining professionalism. Fox was still young, and as much as he wanted to live up to his father's legacy, he just couldn't resist cracking jokes during missions. Peppy and Slippy didn't mind it too much, but Falco was on his tail about it for a while. He became more professional with time, but still maintained a sly sense of humor.

- Fox and Falco are a sarcastic duo. They roast Sonic whenever they're annoyed with him.

- Ken forced him to watch the original Star Wars movies and now he's a big fan.

- Fox wrote fanfiction about all of the fighters having dark alter-egos once because he was bored. It was actually pretty good, but he had Incineroar burn it once he was finished.

- Speaking of fanfiction, Fox has a hoard of fangirls on his home planet, most of whom happen to be avid writers. Falco's kinda jealous, honestly.

- Fox and Terry are bros. They have a cool secret handshake that they do every time they see each other.

- Fox is very sentimental. He has various photo albums for each stage of his life. Currently, he's working on a new one centered around his time at the mansion. Every moment is precious to him, so he's always taking pictures. While Fox has a ton of nice photos, he has some pretty embarrassing ones, too. His favorite one is of Snake while drunk at a Christmas party.

- He has never been Player 1 a single time in his life. It doesn't matter if he's the first one to get to the game system—he always ends up with the Player 3 controller.

- Out of all the fighters, Wolf confuses him the most. They're archrivals, but they're also comrades sometimes. Wolf hates him, but also doesn't. Some days, he wants to be left alone, but on others, it seems like he tries to pick a fight. Are they friends or foes? Fox wishes this question could be answered. Everyone else is just as confused about it as he is.

- If Fox and Krystal are in the same room, Sonic and Terry drop everything to tease them. When Krystal's back is turned, they make kissing noises and wiggle their eyebrows.

- Fox loves swimming in cold water. Every time he enters the pool, he does a perfect swan dive.

- He buys Christmas gifts months in advance.

- When he can't sleep, he'll go outside, look up at the stars, and talk to his dad.

- He loves playing with frisbees, especially at the beach.

- Fox hates to admit it, but he loves to be scratched behind the ears. However, he hates when people touch his tail.

- He can't go outside without Sonic pointing at a cloud and saying, "Look, Fox! It's your cousin!"

- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is the Star Fox Medley. It sounds like it's part of a cool action movie and he loves it.

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