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London, UK


hey idk what time it is for you
but can you call me when you
wake up?

i need to tell you something
[delivered 11:23]
[read 14:46]


incoming facetime from Dani💂...

[accept]    [decline]

For the first time that day, a smile crept onto Taylor's face as her screen lit up with Dani's name. Quickly fixing her hair and rustling her bangs up, the blonde answered the call and was greeted with the sight of the other girl laying in bed with the blinds still shut, her face only lit up by the light of her screen.

"hey" Taylor grinned as she saw the state of her best friend, who had been out all night the previous night.

"ello" Dani mumbled as she buried her face back into the pillow, her phone screen being too bright for her tired eyes.

"you okay lazy?" she giggled

"oi, im not lazy it's just 8 am in the bloody morning" She moved her head off the pillow to glare at Taylor through the screen, which only made Taylor laugh even more before apologising

"im sorry, i didnt mean call me the second you woke up i can let you get back to sleep?"

"no, no its okay im awake now. but i must say your news must be very important or i swear to god" the brit spoke as she sat up in bed and attempted to make herself look presentable.

This caused Taylor to stiffen at the reminder of why she had asked Dani to call her, she tried to play it off but of course her best friend had noticed her strange behaviour already. It was always a task and a half to keep anything from the girl, she just knew her that well.

"whats wrong T?" She asked, eyebrows bunched together in worry.

Taylor sighed as she set up her phone on the coffee table and gathered up her legs onto the couch, wrapping her arms around them and laying her chin on her knees. Seeing Dani had significantly raised her mood, but now with the reminder of what had happened she was right back to how she started.

There was a moment of silence before Dani began to speak up, only to be cut off.

"Joe and i broke up"

"yeah its... yeah"

"oh Tay im so sorry, i... i thought you guys were like 'endgame' or something what happened" Dani managed to spit out despite her excitement.

It had been no secret to any of their friends that Dani despised Joe, the two had certainly butted heads enough times while hanging out. Although only Selena and Abigail knew the true reason, Taylor just assumed she was being a good protective best friend.

"shut uuuup using my song titles like that" Taylor giggled at the joke before turning back serious "i- i don't know there was a fight... i... he said he couldn't date a- i don't know"

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