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Windermere, UK

When Dani woke up in the morning, she didn't wake up to her limbs being tangled with Taylor's in a close embrace. Instead she was greeted by a pounding headache and the sound of Taylor emptying her stomach into the toilet.

With a small groan, she slowly forced her limbs to carry her out of the bed and towards the bathroom. She was greeted by the sight of the blonde hunched over the toilet, struggling to keep her hair out of her way.

Moving across the room towards Taylor, she kneeled behind the girl and began to gather her hair in a ponytail for her. She felt around on the sink for a bobble but came up short, so she continued to hold her hair out of the way for her as she threw up.

Eventually, after a while of just dry heaving into the toilet having already emptied her stomach, the blonde wiped her mouth and slumped back against the wall that her best friend was already leaning on.

"you good?"

"mhm i think so"

"good because now its my turn" Dani rushed out as she moved as fast as she could towards the toilet, she had held herself back seeing as Taylor was using the only toilet in the cottage but after a while of listening to the blonde throwing up her nausea only worsened.

Giggling slightly at the state they were both in, Taylor took Dani's previous role of holding back her hair.

Once they'd actually made it out of the bathroom, they wondered towards the kitchen to make some coffee which they had made sure to buy while in the town the previous day.

While they were slumped over the counter waiting for the kettle to boil, Dani took a quick glance at her friend before her eyes redirected to her neck. Or more specifically, the huge purple bruises that sat there.

"holy shit T, what the fuck?" She murmured as she moved to take a closer look, grabbing Taylor's chin and moving her head to get a better angle. She had absolutely no recollection of the events of last night.


"who've you been necking on with?" She cackled after confirming that the marks on her neck were in fact hickeys and pulling her hand away.

"no one that im aware of? why??"

"your neck is lightly bright purple"

"what the fuck? show me?"

Through her giggles, Dani took a picture of the blondes neck on her phone and showed her it.

"oh my god?"

"do you seriously not remember?"

"no?? i mean, i don't remember much but i also dont remember us being apart much?" The blonde panicked as she poured the now boiled water into their cups.

"did you do it while like sneaking off to the toilets or something?"

"no not that i can remember. jesus christ this is bad. shit"

"oh come on T, its not that bad, everyone makes out with someone and doesnt remember it at least once in their life" Dani tried to reassure the blonde, although her point was ruined by her giggling

"well yeah, but there's probably some stupid fucking tweet of the person claiming they made out with Taylor Swift circulating by now" she groaned before taking a sip of her coffee.

"oh... yeah. i really do tend to forget your famous.."

"yeah... i'll have to warn Tree if its not already out there. Which, honestly, it might not be considering my phone isn't blowing up right now" The blonde grimaced gesturing to her phone on the counter

"yeah you should probably go do that"

As Taylor went outside onto the balcony to phone Tree, completely unaware that that was completely unnecessary, Dani made her way to the sofa and dug out her phone.

She'd been so distracted by the tits incident that she had forgotten she meant to message Selena and ask what she was talking to Taylor about.

Lesbian (dani) support group

Taylor's no.1 fan


redhead named abigail

shut up

redhead named abigail

taylor's no.1 fan

what were u messaging taylor
about yesterday


taylor's no.1 fan
saying you would fly to england
if taylor didnt 'tell her' something

redhead named abigail

taylor's no.1 fan
whos her

the cats mother

taylor's no.1 fan
har har so funny


but yeah i can not tell u

taylor's no.1 fan
why notttttt

because thats blondies business

get her to tell u

taylor's no.1 fan
please blondie doesnt even remember
her business

redhead named abigail
whats that mean

taylor's no.1 fan
it means her neck is literally covered
in hickeys but she cant remember where
she got them from

if u cant tell we got very drunk last night

redhead named abigail
omg what

she doesn't remember?😭

taylor's no.1 fan

she didn't even know she
had any hickeys until i pointed
them out

jesus christ someone needs to
cut her off from alcohol

After not getting the answers she wanted from Selena, Dani threw her phone to the side as Taylor made her way back in.

"okay good news, theres nothing online about it yet. Trees gonna keep her eye out"

Dani hummed in acknowledgment "i wonder who the lucky guy is" she pondered

Taylor sat down next to her friend. They had both completely forgotten about Taylor's impromptu coming out and the events that followed.

"hmmm. maybe they dont even remember"

"you can only hope"

After a while of sitting their staring at the floor because both of them were too hungover to do much else and they had no ibuprofen to take, Dani decided that they should do the next best thing after taking drugs to get rid of the headaches and reconnect with nature. Much to Taylor's dismay.

a/n   this was meant to be a longer chapter but i never got around to finishing it and i felt bad for not updating for weeks so u can just have this for now 🫨

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