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new york city, USA

There had been an almost suffocating silence surrounding the two girls since the revelation, Dani had decided to just let the news sink in for a while as she didn't have a clue of what to say or how to comfort Taylor.

It just made no sense in her mind, how did Joe even get that idea in his head? It seemed like such a ridiculous story that it truly must have just been the worst him and his team could think of to paint Taylor as the villain in the break up.

Well thats what she was going to go with.

Outnumbered had been long forgot about, Dani had paused it before giving Taylor the news, Netflix had now resorted to showing a slideshow of their shows and movies as a screensaver for the tv.

She had no clue where Taylor had wondered off to. She hadn't responded when Dani had told her it was her who she was accused of cheating with and had instead walked off to somewhere in the huge apartment.

That was around half an hour ago.

Once she finally got bored of sitting there twiddling her thumbs, Dani decided she had probably given Taylor enough space and it would probably be in her best interest to find her. It certainly was not an easy job.

She searched every room in the apartment, finding nothing but where the cats had ran off to when they had been disturbed. For a moment she was absolutely baffled before she remembered that there was a door that led up to the roof of the building, where Taylor had said only days ago she loved to go for fresh air.

Or as fresh as air could get in a city like new york.

When she got to the top of the stairs she reached a door being propped open by a cinderblock? she'd have to question Taylor about that later.

She wrapped her arms around herself as she stepped out onto the roof to fight off the cold mid January breeze, she almost immediately spotted the blonde who was sat on a chair she must have hauled up here when she discovered it with her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around them.

Once she reached her, she silently sat down on the chair next to her, not knowing how to break the silence.

After a few minutes of them both staring at the new york skyline, well more Taylor staring at it while Dani stared at Taylor, Dani spoke up "you okay?"

She didn't get much of a response, simply a muffled 'mhm' which did nothing to soothe her nerves.

"its a bit insane really, isnt it?" she tried to lighten the mood "i really want to know where he got that impression from"

she was met with yet more silence, so she decided it was probably best to shut her mouth and let Taylor speak when she wanted to.

That meant they were sat there for 20 minutes shivering in the cold before anyone spoke again.

"the whole internet probably hates me now" A heartbreakingly quiet, shaky voice spoke up

"oh Tay.. im sure thats not true" Dani felt her heart shatter as she finally made eye contact with the blonde, who's blue eyes were only just keeping their tears at bay. "people have definitely been accused of and even done worse and their careers have been fine, who would even hate you? Joe's fans? there is none"

That comment finally made Taylor giggle slightly  "tree's putting out a counter statement now"

"good. see, everything's going to be fine" she tried to reassure her friend

"yeah i guess" she did not sound very convincing

"whats up?"

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