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Windermere, UK

Quickly dumping their bags in their room in the air b&b they had rented for their stay, the two girls made their way to the tiny balcony that was attached to the cozy little cottage. Taylor stayed wrapped in the blanket from the car as she took a seat on one of the chairs placed outside.

Hugging her arms in an attempt to keep herself warm, Dani joined the girl in the seat next to her. Neither saying a word as they watched the sun set in the distance.

After a few moments, Taylor noticed the way the girl was shivering and without a second thought opened her arms, holding the blanket open and grinned "come here"


"you're clearly cold, just come here" The blonde gestured for her to come to her, causing Dani to chuckle as she shook her head slightly, but not in refusal as she moved concerningly quickly from her seat to take her new one in Taylor's lap.

She sat down across the blonde's legs and wrapped an arm around her shoulders to keep herself steady as she got herself comfortable. Once she was satisfied she was comfy, Taylor wrapped her arms around the taller girl, bringing the blanket around her too.

Resting her head atop the blonde's, a small grin broke out on her face as she watched the horizon. She'd subconsciously decided to let herself indulge on all the small little moments with Taylor that she never usually allowed herself to for the trip, which was probably a terrible idea in hindsight.

And while Dani was relaxing, yet again another internal battle was happening inside Taylor. She didn't understand why she was suddenly feeling so short of breath and why her stomach was constantly doing flips as if it was some olympic gymnast. She'd felt like it since boarding the plane in New York, so maybe she was just coming down with something. Yeah, that must be it. Theres no other reason.

They stayed in that position, Taylors arms securely wrapped around Dani's waist, until the sun had set and it was completely pitch black around them. Finally peeling her eyes away from the stars that were sparkling so bright in a way she hadn't seen in so long (fuck light pollution), she removed her head off of Taylor's and tapped her arms to signal to let her up.

Once she was freed from the singer's grip, she grabbed her hand to pull her up from her seat once again, this time using less force to ensure they didn't bang into each other like two magnets again.

Only this time Taylor didn't want to get up.

"but the stars look so cute" she whined as she pouted up at her best friend.

"and so do you, but you wont look cute when you get hypothermia and your limbs turn black and fall off" she whined back playfully in the same tone as she tugged on her arm

"ew what is it with you and hypothermia?" Taylor cringed at the image that had been put in her head, ignoring the way her cheeks heated up.

"it just scares me okay? its so easy to get" It was Dani's turn to pout now as she continued to pull on her arm

"careful your going to pull my arm out of its socket" Taylor chuckled as she finally stood up, blanket still around her shoulders.

Now she was up, she naturally intertwined her fingers with Dani's, and turned to look back into the cottage.

"its dark" was all she mumbled, staying rooted to where she was stood

"yeah thats what happens when theres no lights on" Dani laughed as she went to walk in, but was stopped as Taylor didn't move with her.

"come on then"

"can you go turn the lights on?" Taylor mumbled embarrassed, making Dani giggle at the 29 year old grown woman stood in front of her.

end of desire || TSWhere stories live. Discover now