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Manchester, UK

Dani hadn't stayed long after coming back off the roof, she figured they better start packing if Taylor had gotten the pilots to get ready.

So the next day they were off on their way to England.

When they'd landed and were stood in the line for border control which was always insanely long at Manchester airport, Dani thought it would probably be a good idea to tell Rhys they were coming.

Rhys witherspoon

hey are you in?

yeah why?

arent you in the US of A?


at manny airport 😁



did you and cowgirl have a fight
or something

it's interesting that you think if
we had a fight id have to flee the country

idk it just seems like something
you would do

right well no thats not what

infact she actually with me rn

girl what

yeah we're going to the lakes


literally how is that gay

idk it just gives huge her and karlie
kloss at big sur vibes

and how is THAT gay

im so tired of explaining things
one day im just gonna send you
a link to some gaylors twitter

im telling you she is straight

its a girls trip

the girls being u 2?

we are girls are we not

yes but idk i just assumed
like selena or gigi or someone
would also be invited on a girls

look dude i just have a gig in
keswick and i said she could
come with me

im just trying to cheer her up

why does she need cheering up

oh dont pretend u havent
seen the headlines

okay yeah i have been meaning
to ask about that

is that why you didnt tell me
why they broke up 😳

no dude wtf

i didnt tell u because i wasnt
even meant to tell u they broke

so you didnt sleep together?


aw 😔

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