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Windermere, UK

After the tit incident, Dani refused to make eye contact with the blonde that lasted longer than a split second as they made their way to the lakeside pub for tea.

Taylor was having an absolute blast teasing her about it.

Once they'd sat down, they ordered their drinks, two glasses of white wine, and a starter to share between them.

"Dan, you're going to have to learn to look at me for longer than a second, we've still got days left of this holiday" she giggled at the girl who was intently staring at her glass

"i know"

"then do it"

When she looked up she did manage to hold long eye contact with the blonde successfully, if you ignore the deep shade of maroon her face turned.

"thats more like it" she teased, almost seductively, and if Dani's face could get any redder, it did.

"Jesus christ" the photographer mumbled as she redirected her view out the window next to them, looking at the mountains beyond the lake.

"Dude, i knew England was a pretty country, but like, i didn't think it was this breathtaking" Taylor said as she followed Dani's gaze outside, staring at the mountain which loomed over them, shielding them from the sun that was currently setting.

"yeah it can be pretty great, provided your not in Liverpool"

"i feel like this would be the perfect place to cry" Taylor ignored the girl's comment as she continued to gaze out at the peaks.

"do you feel like crying?" Dani frowned, concerned.

"no, no not at all. i'm good. great actually. i Just mean like, if i did it would be a fun place to do it. Like, in a corner of a cute little pub with an amazing view of the lakes and mountains. Its just, i dont know, i feel like it would be therapeutic" she smiled as she turned away from the window to look at the girl in front of her

"yeah i guess, i feel like thats not a normal thing to fantasise  about though" she chuckled lightly

"maybe not" she shrugged as she took a sip of her wine "i feel like the poets would agree with me"

"the poets?" Dani laughed

"yeah, you know, the romantics. Wordsworth and shit"

"im gonna pretend i didnt get a 3 in english literature and completely know who you're on about" the other girl chuckled

Taylor shook her head "still so disappointed in you for that"

"we weren't even friends then"

"i can still be disappointed" she shrugged, unashamed.

"you so would have been an english teacher if you didn't move to Nashville" Dani stated as she leant her head against the window next to her, gaze fixed on the woman in front of her.

Taylor giggled "why wouldn't i be a music teacher?"

"there's a certain energy that english teachers and you share. And all the music teachers that were ever at my school turned out to be nonces so you should be glad i'm not comparing you to those"

"whats a nonce?" Taylor asked with that all so innocent look on her face that constantly made Dani swoon. She almost didn't want to tell her and ruin said innocence, just so she would look like that forever.

Of course, however, she told her immediately after she pressed again.

They spent the night chatting and ordering the most expensive wine on the menu much to Taylor's insistence. Dani was much more used to the cheap rosé that Rhys always had stocked in the kitchen, but for once in her life, she allowed the blonde to spoil her. 

end of desire || TSWhere stories live. Discover now