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new york city, USA

Eventually at 10, Dani had managed to power through the headache that was still lingering and had got out of bed and made her way over to where Taylor was staying on Cornelia street.

She had made a very pathetic effort to tidy herself up slightly for the walk over to Taylor's, and the second she arrived she joined the blonde who was lazily stretched out on her sofa under a blanket in front of the tv.

Taylor only wore a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt (which had been so absolutely coated in cat hair it had practically changed colour) with her messy hair lazily thrown up in a ponytail, but she still managed to take Dani's breath away as she walked into the room. Much to the girl's dismay, she had found that no matter how Taylor looked she was still 100% completely and absolutely in love with her. Even when she was animated and in a film about trees, she had unfortunately discovered...

Despite being sat in front of the tv, and having the remote in her hand, Taylor hadnt actually put anything on and was just staring at the blank screen.

"oh yeah, this is my favourite show y'know? its absolutely bloody hilarious" Dani joked as she sat down accidentally too close to the blonde, arms brushing against each other slightly causing goosebumps to shoot up her body, who slowly turned her head around to glare at her friend.

But with the way her face was scrunched up, clearly nursing a headache, Dani could not find the glare threatening in anyway shape or form; not that her glares usually were. They reminded Dani more of a little angry cat which she thought was so on brand for Taylor.

"ha ha, you're hilarious" she responded dryly as she jokingly aggressively placed the remote in dani's hand, their fingers brushing together in the action "put something on then"

As the girl went to turn on the tv, she felt Taylor fall into her and place her head on her shoulder, tucking her entire body into the side of Dani's causing her to freeze for a moment before forcing herself to regain her composure.

"okay what do we want?"

all she got was a groan in response

"grey's anatomy?" she offered even though she despised the show


"law and order?"

she shook her head

"killing eve?"

"rewatched it too recently"

Dani sighed at the blonde "what do you want then?"

"just put something you want on, i dont care"

Eventually, Dani ended up on netflix and put on the very first season of outnumbered "ive been meaning to show you this for so long"

Eventually after hours of binging the show, Dani had ended up also underneath the blanket that Taylor had been cuddling when she walked in, with an arm around the girl who had sunken into her side and now had her head laying on the taller girl's chest.

At some point during the second season of the show they had ordered lunch, and once they were done eating and returned to their original positions Olivia and Meredith decided they wanted to join in on the cuddles.

Meaning not only did Dani have a 5'10 human stretched out on top of her, she also had two cats fighting on top of her over who would get to sit on the girl.

Days like this always managed to leave a heavy weight on her heart afterwards because they'd become so rare over the years, specifically while Taylor was in a relationship. And truly, it was the thing Dani had found herself yearning for in the middle of the night when she couldn't sleep multiple times.

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