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Windermere, UK

Due to it being their last full day in Windermere before having to drive over to keswick for the wedding, they spent the first half of the day wandering aimlessly around the lake and through the woodlands. They'd brought their lunch with them and ate it sat on a grassy patch next to the shore of the lake around noon.

As she'd sat watching the blonde in front of the backdrop of the majestic peaks and glimmering sun that was shining down onto the lake, Dani had come to the realisation that she desperately needed to move on.

Taylor was practically her whole world. She definitely treated her as such.

It was almost as if Taylor was the Sun, and Dani was the Earth, constantly orbiting around the blonde. The Earth's year is determined by its rotation around the sun, but the Earth is not the only planet which orbits the sun, and by no means is it any more significant to the sun than the others.

Dani couldn't live like that.

She needed to find her moon. The one who would revolve around her. The one who would make her their whole world.

And she was finally letting go of the delusion that maybe that 'one' would be Taylor.

Over the past couple of years, she'd been taking jobs up in New York and London in subconscious attempts to keep a close proximity to the singer, and she'd recently realised she'd only actually been home twice in the past 6 months. And one was a fly in visit because Taylor suggested it. She'd seen her best friend twice, and once only because the girl she was crushing on wanted to.

She hadnt realised it, but over the years she'd been home less and less, preferring to be where the blonde was.

And it had to stop.

She needed to go home. She needed to actually see her friends again. Taylor's friends were great, and they had certainly become her friends too. But she missed her friends. Being up in the lakes had brought back all the memories of when she actually used to make time for her friends. Maybe once she had settled back into Manchester she would suggest a trip up with them, Mrs Richards was sure to love that.

As she kept staring at the blonde who was contently sat making a daisy chain, she looked almost ethereal with the way the sun was making a halo around her head, and Dani knew in that moment that it would kill her to do, but she had to stop revolving her life around her and distance herself. It was a shitty thing to do right as Taylor had just broken up with Joe but she knew if she didn't do it as soon as possible she would never have to guts to do it.

God this was going to hurt.

After their walk, they'd gone back to the cottage to freshen up before going out for tea at the pub again. This time how ever, they'd both sworn off of alcohol due to last nights events, instead opting for glasses of diet coke rather than the wine which had proved to be a recipe for disaster.

Thats how they ended up walking back to the cottage, completely sober and hand in hand in an effort to warm each other up in the bitter english air.

Taylor was giggling over some half formed joke Dani had sputtered out as they reached the door, the taller girl reaching into her pocket for the key to let themselves in as the blonde leaned against her.

Opening the door, they stumbled in together in a fit of giggles, this time drunk on only each other. Taylor simply enjoying the girl's company, and Dani taking it all in, knowing she wouldn't experience this feeling again if all went right. Hopefully distance would take away the fluttery feeling in her stomach she had become so familiar with.

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