Chapter 9

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Time: Sunday morning

Noob POV

"So... What do you want to do?" I ask Guest. We walk along the streets of the neighborhood Guest thinks about it for few seconds, then simply shrugs. Then I think. What would I want to do? We could take a stroll in the park, train ride to a game, and... "How about going to the city?" I ask. It's a pretty good idea if I say so myself, there's not much to do in the neighborhood. Guest thinks a little more. Guest nods his head and we head over to the train station. I can tell Guest that always thinking about the situation and if it was safe or not. Why I can tell? I was like that once. Always thinking what could happen if I did this, did that. So I wouldn't end up like the others. The others went away if they made the wrong choice. They didn't come back. "Noob?" I snap back to reality. Guest is a few steps in front of me, looking back with a worried face. "Are you ok?" "Hmm? Me? Yeah, I'm ok!"

Time: 11:34 am

Acorn POV

"Bacon? Are you still busy with your computer?" I ask. I peer into Bacon's room and see him typing stuff on the electronic device. "You've been on that since morning! Your eyes are going to turn into mush if you continue!" Bacon looks up at me, and smiles. "Sure, sure, I'll be done in a second and I'll make you lunch." He then continues to type. "That's not what I'm talking about." Bacon looks at me again. "Then what are you talking about?" "I need you to sharpen my knife. It seems dull lately." I admitted. Bacon types a few more keys and stands up. "Alright, I'll sharpen it for you." We head downstairs and I hand him my knife. "I'll make lunch after I'm finished" He says. I nod and I take a seat at the table. I decide to scroll on my phone and see the news. New restaurant open, new trend, new incident. There seems to be incidents everyday. A bank is robbed, a place get blasted by explosives, and dead people. "Hey bro," I shout over to Bacon "They found some bodies near the office building." "You didn't kill them?" "No, I would have left no evidence. It says they threw themselves off the building. Shame." It's true I didn't hunt them. But I don't think they actually jumped off. I mean, the Roblox HQ has to keep the peace somehow. I hope if any of our friends are in the city today, they will be careful. I have a bad feeling.

Time: 12: 21

Guest POV

I have a bad feeling. My gut tells me something is going to happen, and its bad. And by my "gut" I mean "it". They keep telling me that and I can do nothing to have them shut up. "You better be careful! Because if you die, I will too!" it says. Why would even care about you? "Because I am you. Just another version. A version of you that-" Ok, ok. I don't need to be reminded of the incident. "WE ARE NOW ARRIVING AT THE CITY" the subway speakers blast out. I am suddenly drag out of the train by Noob. Noobs holding my hand. Maybe, I can ignore the bad feeling for now and just...have a nice time...with Noob...


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