Chapter 10

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Time: 12:34

Guest POV

"So, do you want to get lunch?" Noob asks. I wonder for awhile, eventually, I say "Well...what is there?" "There's a brunch cafe I went to that's nearby us. I think it was pretty good." I think about it. I don't feel like it's dangerous, but I had a bad feeling on the train. I'll...ignore it for now, I'm kinda hungry. "Let's go." I say. Noob nods and leads me in the direction of the cafe, and I follow, putting my hands in my front sweater pocket. I really admire Noob's freedom, how he does things so carefree. And there's me, a person who worries about everything, and won't do anything he hasn't done yet because he doesn't know if it's safe or not. After the incident, I wouldn't make friends with anyone because I didn't know if they were worthy of my trust or if they were safe. Not sure if that's the same case with Lavender and Blue. "Guest? Uh, the cafe is this way." I look up and realize that I'm going the wrong way. "Oh, sorry." I walk back towards Noob. He's going to think I'm some freak with his head up in the clouds, isn't he? I sigh. I don't know why, but I really want to know Noob better. Not sure how though.

Time: 2:10 PM

Lavender POV

"I'm not sure how though." Blue says. "It says that this piece goes here, but it's being covered by another piece, and I'm not supposed to take it apart." Blue is building a music box from a DIY box we got from my birthday. I thought it would be boring if I did it by myself, so I asked Blue to do it with me. We were both bored anyways. "Lemme see the instructions." I say, grabbing the sheet of paper out of Blue's hands. "Hmm. You sure you used B8 for that?" "I thought that said B6." "No, it says B8, the top of the eight is kind of faded." "Oh." As Blue tries to pop out piece B8 from the wood planks, I think about Guest. I wonder how he's doing with Noob so far, maybe they did something fun together? Hehehe! I smile a mischievous grin and Blue notices. "Lavender, did you ever so happened to kick Guest out of the house? I haven't seen him this entire afternoon." "Maaayyyyybbbbeeee..." Blue sighs, "Why do you like doing this to our older brother?" I simply reply, "I'm helping him, you know! He needs some fresh air every now and then!" "So do we. Yet, we haven't left the house today." Blue fits piece B8 into it's place. "There. Now it makes sense." "You did it!" I cheer. "Now, it's my turn!" After some time, Blue suddenly says "Lavender, do you know anything about love?" I turn to look at him. "Don't have any experience, but I read romance books. Why do you ask?" I already know why he asked, but that would make him uncomfortable. "Uh...A friend of mine asked about it. I don't know, so I thought maybe you would." But you don't have any friends other than us, Noob, Acorn, and Bacon. I thought, well, I told him everything I know, then ended with: "Blue, it's your turn. You can do this." Blue picks up the instructions and continues building the music box.


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