Chapter 12

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Noob POV

Time: around 3:30

I've been wondering around city for a bit after Guest left, but I wonder why he told me to stay away from the train station. It's not like something bad is going to happen. Right? Feels like I jinxed something. That being said, I do want to go home, or visit some experiences and have fun. Sorry Guest, but I'm going near the train station, worst thing that could happen is that I'm forced to respawn, I guess. As I get closer to the train station, I find more people bunched up and police officers. Eventually I reach the train station, but it's been blocked off with yellow and black caution tape.

"I ask you to stay away from the train station." A nearby police officer tells me in a stern voice.

"Why is the train station blocked off?" I ask

"Someone reported a dead body in there."

"Huh?" I try to get a closer look into the train station but the officer grabs onto the collar of my tank top.

"The body has already been sent to Roblox HQ and is in the process of respawning. There is no need for a noob to be here." He pushes me aside and all I can do is stare. There has been a lot of murders recently, and it's really scary that they are getting closer to where I am. I sigh and start walking away from the train station.

"Nothing I can do about it." I mutter under my breath. "If I do get murdered, I'll respawn in a few minutes." But what exactly happens to me while that happens? I kick a nearby pebble. I wonder if I'll get answers to my questions one day.

Acorn POV

Time: around 3:20

I sneak around the neighborhood, hiding in shadows and making as less noise as possible. I make it back to my house and slip through the back window. Then I see Bacon glaring at me with the tv playing the news in the background.

"A witness has reported the body suddenly appearing in front of her when walking to the vending machine in the train station DH48." Bacon taps his foot on the ground.

"The authorities at the Roblox HQ have been alerted and a squad of officers have been sent to the scene. This is the 4th murder this week and a new record ever since last month." I sheepishly smile.

"Everyone has been wondering, who is murdering innocent people? Are they the same person? Could this just be a bunch or coincidences? Just what is this blood-thirsty murder thinking? Who will be next?" Bacon sighs.

"I thought I told you to be more careful." He groaned, face palming.

"I did!" I argued. "I guess I didn't duct tape them enough to the ceiling."

"Why would you duct tape a corpse to the ceiling?"

"Cus' it would be the last place people would look." Bacon sighs again and looks at me. He grabs my bloodied denim jacket and looks at it a bit more.

"Well, in terms of cleaning, you did pretty decently."

"I know right!" I proclaimed.

"Yeah. You should go shower to get that blood off you. I'll wash your clothes and clean your knife."

I nod and go shower. After that and changing into fresh, clean clothing, I head back to the kitchen where Bacon is cleaning my knife.

"You really like slaughtering people, don't you?" He says

"You were the one to introduce me to murder mystery."

"That's true. And then you decided to murder someone outside of the experience. And here we are."

"At least my red bandana wasn't bloodstained." Bacon puts my knife down and looks at me. He then smirks.

"Your gift from Lavender? That's really all you care about? You must be really attached to her."



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