twenty one

146 13 2

"You look annoying like that."

Yujun's bedroom door opened, and Seeun stood at the entrance. "Really? I should do it more often, then."

Yujun invited the taller boy over, and Seeun's excited self squeezed in beside him on his bed. Yujun allowed Seeun to hug his waist, covering them with the duvet as their warmth was slowly shared between them. "Do you think Minjae hyung would mind that we're together?"

"He doesn't really matter, considering our relationship," Seeun muttered. "But seeing as he has a little crush on you..."

"He doesn't have a crush on me." Seeun gave him a look. "Not anymore, at least. I used my Signet on him, and it felt wrong to, but... I read his signature."

"Oh... is that what you can do?"

"It's how I knew you liked me."

"Sh-shut up about that."

Yujun chuckled, glancing up at the ceiling. "In any case, he knows about us, and... respects it. He just hasn't said anything about it because it would cause him to admit his feelings. From reading his signature and seeing what type of person he is, I can actually tell you how much he loves you guys. He won't say it out loud, but you're all like sons to him. Seems we need to protect him."

"We knew Minjae hyung cared a lot about us," Seeun murmured as he snuggled into the other, "and we really respect him as a leader."

"He has a lot of regrets, too. It's unfair that I know everything about him, so... I won't say much. You should take the chance to know your leader a bit better."

Seeun ran a hand through Yujun's hair, meeting his eyes slowly. Yujun felt his cheeks grow hot at their close proximity - Seeun seemed as if he wanted to kiss him, but Yujun played dumb as best as he could. He avoided the other's eyes, and the taller pushed his lips into a childish pout. "You're not looking at me on purpose."


Seeun activated his gadget and glanced down at Yujun's chest - 92bpm. Yujun scoffed to himself as he hid his face in Seeun's chest. Seeun wondered how high he could make the other's heart rate go, but would it even be safe to do that in their current position?

"Can I get one last kiss before we sleep?" Seeun asked, causing Yujun to look up at him. The shorter saw the blue glint in his eyes and scoffed. "Fine, fine, I'll turn it off."

Yujun sat up from the bed, leaning over Seeun and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Seeun seemed unsatisfied, but Yujun wasn't swayed. "You got a kiss, so let's sleep, okay?"

"If you hit 100bpm, we can stop kissing."

"Oh my God, you're so annoying. Fine - keep your gadget on."

Of course, Seeun wouldn't stop at 100bpm.

Minjae stared up at the ceiling as he heard his comm device ring on the table beside his desk, eyes flicking over to it in silence. It was a private number - it was clearly Zhang Yixing, but he didn't want to speak business that early in the morning.

Someone knocked on his door. "Minjae hyung! Breakfast!"

Minjae sat up from the bed, ruffling his hair with a sigh. "I'll eat with Yudai."

"... okay, hyung."

The morning dragged along as Minjae got out of bed. He eventually got food for himself and K, pressing his finger to the biometrics to unlock the door to K's room. K was awake already, sitting at the edge of his bed with his head hanging. "Breakfast."


Minjae closed the door behind himself, setting up the food on the table at the end of the room. "Jinsik made breakfast today. He told me to tell you to enjoy it."

K nodded as he sat across from the younger, breaking apart the wooden chopsticks silently. Minjae allowed K to eat first before beginning his meal, glancing up ever so often to watch K eat. "Tastes good."


"Tell him it tastes good."

Minjae nodded, placing more meat in K's bowl. "Have you made a decision yet?"

K scoffed slightly before stuffing his mouth again. "I told you that I don't want to be a part of your silly little group."

"Well, what if I gave you the opportunity to learn something from the boys?" Minjae asked, placing his chopsticks down.

"I'm listening."

"I trust you more than you think, but I won't give you a gun just yet," Minjae continued as he crossed his arms. "Sumin asked me to keep distance between you, him, and Jinsik - I'm going to respect that. However... I want to integrate you into the group for minor tasks."

"Get to the point."

"Assist around the base. Can keep you busy."

"Become your housemaid? Fuck you."

Minjae let out a laugh as he shook his head. "No, you idiot. You have experience in... creating things, don't you?"

K raised an eyebrow. "You went to my warehouse?"

"You can help Junghoon with his latest project - he's struggling to figure things out."

K hummed as he chewed on his food. Minjae continued eating as well, patiently waiting for K's answer. "I'll see what I can do."

"I'll tell him. Our KS76 LIFELINEs, as well as Chroma mines, have not yet been programmed to ignore your signature, so stepping out of line could be fatal."

K chuckled, finally looking up at the other. "Minjae, what do you see in me, huh? A couple of days ago, you would've taken my life without a second thought. Now we're eating together. What gives?"

"Too lazy to commit murder."

"Is that so...?"

"Not entirely." Minjae lifted his head, meeting eyes with the Japanese man. "Something tells me that there is almost certainly a chance for change. I'm not going to take your life, and I'm not going to hate you. I...-"

"You want a big brother again."

Minjae paused, almost holding his breath as K showed a small smile. "It'll take a lot of time - no matter what, I'll always think about our past relationship."

"But I can fix things...! This time, I can protect you. I can teach you to love. I can... I can be your little brother again. We can be family again. You raised me, and... I miss that feeling of being close to someone. Yeah, you hated me, but you kept that to yourself for a long time because you didn't want to hurt my feelings."

"It's also why I kept the civil war between you and I, rather than between XIKERS and Ghosteye," K added with a chuckle. "Fine. I think we can work something out. It was stupid of me to create reasons to fight. I don't know why I idolised my mother, because you were right - she was a horrible person..."

"But I understand why you'd forgive her, despite everything she did - she was your mother. I shouldn't have killed her. I'm not saying to put anything behind us," Minjae began, "because that's quite impossible, considering our history. But let's make an effort to change, hm? Once it becomes bearable to look one another in the eye, we can talk things through."

K seemed to show a sliver of a smile as he nodded. "Fine."

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