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"So Y/N, how's your sleep?" Sana asked, as she walks me through the hall. "I enjoy a restful sleep last night, Your Highness." i replied to her in a formal way. It will be disrespectful of me if I'll just call her by her name, knowing everyone here call them in formality.

"Feel free to call me by my name. No need for formality, we're already friends!" Sana stated while the guards open the door infront of us. "Bu-." "No buts Y/N, if I say it you should follow." she cutted my words.

There I saw the Royals waiting for us to be seated. Servants move gracefully, attending to the royal family's needs, while sunlight streams in through tall, arched windows, illuminating the opulent tapestries that line the walls.

The air is filled with the aroma of freshly baked pastries, steaming hot beverages, and the quiet chatter of the family members enjoying their morning meal.

A few minutes the king has spoken some words,  "Kindly elucidate, young lady, the origin of your arrival, for Sana encountered you within the confines of the forest." His gaze bore into me with an intensity that bespoke suspicion, The weight of his scrutiny seemed to search not just my outward demeanor but also the very recesses of my thoughts, as though attempting to uncover any hidden motives that might be lurking there.

"I found myself abruptly awakened within the confines of the forest, greeted by the gentle prodding of Princess Sana against my cheeks. The circumstances surrounding my presence in this location remain shrouded in mystery, as I am unable to discern the reasons behind my sudden appearance here." I was shocked as to why I am so formal and I'm proud of not stuttering under his gaze.


I was in the forest standing where I was lying that day I was found by Sana. 

Despite my own stubborn tendencies, it was Jeongyeon who adamantly persisted in joining me on my current endeavor. The previous evening, she had made her intentions abundantly clear, affirming her unwavering commitment to accompany me wherever my path might lead.

"Y/N, you really don't know where you come from?" she asked. "I know, I know where I came from but the question is how did I get here?" I replied as I keep looking at the ground, searching for something that might be connected to this world and my world.


Unbeknownst to the two individuals engrossed in their respective activities, an enigmatic presence lingered concealed within the shadows.

 As they continued to go about their tasks, oblivious to the impending intrigue, these mysterious beings whispered in hushed tones, their words shrouded in an aura of secrecy. Their murmurs, faint yet laden with an otherworldly cadence, seemed to weave an intricate tapestry of uncertainty, casting an ethereal veil over the very atmosphere they inhabited.

"Emerging from the depths of our once-quiet forest, an unfamiliar presence had materialized—a new figure who bore an air of mystique about them. However, with a mix of fascination and trepidation, I remained at a distance, observing from the periphery as the princess led her into the realm of the castle, wondering what secrets lay veiled behind her captivating facade." One of the shadow spoke as the other listened. 

And then, as if in response to a whisper of fate or the beckoning of an unseen force, one of the individuals began to dissolve into the ether. Their form wavered like a mirage caught in the heat of the desert, and in the blink of an eye, they were gone.

Back at the two, "Y/N, it's getting late we should go back now, this place is dangerous." Y/N simply nodded and followed Jeongyeon.

Just as the formidable gates of the castle were poised to grant passage to Y/N and her companion Jeongyeon, a flicker of movement caught her attention on the periphery of her vision. Yet, even as her first steps toward this elusive specter materialized, a gentle but firm grasp enveloped her arm. Jeongyeon's touch, a gesture that communicated both concern and caution, pulled Y/N back from the precipice of her impulsive pursuit. 

Upon reaching the confines of Y/N's chamber, an unexpected assembly awaited them at the doorway. The trio of princesses—Sana, Nayeon, and Momo—stood in an amalgamation of concern and sternness, their expressions a mosaic of emotions that ranged from worry to reprimand. Their collective gaze fixated upon Y/N and Jeongyeon, a silent inquiry hung in the air like an unspoken question.

Sana, exuding both authority and maternal instinct, was the first to voice their collective concern. "Pray tell, where have the two of you ventured?" Her words carried a tone of caution, laced with an underlying apprehension for their safety. Nayeon's subsequent utterance, "It's dangerous outside," further reinforced the notion that their foray into the forest had not gone unnoticed, the implications of the potential risks evident in her voice.

Amidst the sea of inquiries, Momo's voice emerged with a distinct note of genuine worry. "Y/N, did you encounter any harm? Was there an incident during your time outside?" Her concern was palpable, an embodiment of her caring nature and her position as a member of the royal household.

Respectful but unwavering, Y/N addressed the assembled trio. "Your Highnesses, please rest assured. Jeongyeon was with me, and we encountered no peril that we could not handle." Her words carried a thread of reassurance, an attempt to quell the apprehensions that had arisen from their unexpected outing. "I am unharmed, and your vigilance warms my heart."

With her response, Y/N sought to mollify the worries of the royal trio, underlining that their safety had been prioritized and that their actions had not been without careful consideration.

Jeongyeon's question hung in the air, a curious inquiry that sought to ascertain the whereabouts of a missing presence. "Oh, Princess Tzuyu was not with you again?" she queried, her tone tinged with a blend of curiosity and perhaps a touch of lightheartedness.

Nayeon's response came swift and matter-of-fact, offering insight into Tzuyu's nocturnal habits. "She tends to retire early, as is her custom. Tzuyu possesses a preference for solitude and, if I may say, she tends to be somewhat selective in her interactions," Nayeon explained with a soft chuckle. "It's not uncommon for her to avoid social gatherings and people in general."

With the princesses' interactions unfolding in a natural rhythm, Nayeon's attention shifted, turning toward Y/N and Jeongyeon with a sense of camaraderie. "You both should take this moment to rest as well," Nayeon advised, her words tinged with a gentle concern for their well-being. "Tomorrow holds its own set of endeavors, and it would be prudent to gather your strength."

As the door to Y/N's chamber closed behind them, the princesses' presence slowly faded from view. Left in the quiet embrace of her room, Y/N couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. The forest's mysteries, the enigmatic figure that had briefly captured her attention, and the warm concern of her companions all merged into a tapestry of emotions that painted the canvas of her thoughts.

And so, as Y/N prepared to heed Nayeon's advice and surrender to the embrace of slumber, she carried with her the echoes of the day's encounters and the promises of the morrow, a single thread in the grand narrative of the castle's inhabitants and their interconnected destinies.

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