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Y/N don't know what lies ahead as she sleep quick, snoring lightly. A white spark from the middle of her room appear as it grows and grows.

Y/N woke up in the room where there was boxes and books scattered as she remembers this was from their house from the human realm. Holding the book on her palm.

Amidst the joyful reunion, Y/N's aunt and her friends explained how they had been searching for her ever since she disappeared from their world. They had come to realize that Y/N had crossed into a mystical realm, and their efforts to find her had finally led them here.

Y/N's aunt Irene and her friends were fascinated by the stories in the book, realizing that Y/N's adventures in the mystical realm were not just fantasies but had become a reality.

As Y/N shared her experiences and memories with them, they listened with rapt attention, trying to grasp the incredible journey she had undertaken.

Y/N's heartache for the friends she had left behind was palpable, and her aunt Irene and her friends could see the genuine bond she had formed with the princesses and Jeongyeon. They were moved by Y/N's longing and promised to support her no matter what decisions she made.

In the days that followed, Y/N's aunt and her friends helped her adapt to life in the human realm once again. They shared stories of the world Y/N had left behind, catching her up on the events and changes that had occurred during her absence.

Y/N's heart was torn between her two worlds, as she cherished the memories she had made with the princesses and Jeongyeon while also reconnecting with her beloved aunt and friends.

As time passed, Y/N's connection to the mystical realm remained strong through the stories in the book and the memories she held dear. Though she was physically separated from her friends, their bond continued to thrive, and Y/N knew that one day, their paths might cross again.


In the enchanted realm, panic and concern spread like wildfire. The princesses, Jeongyeon, and their mystical friends were determined to find Y/N and unravel the mystery behind her sudden disappearance.

Sana's brow furrowed as she shared her worries with the group. "This isn't like Y/N at all. She wouldn't just vanish without telling us."

Tzuyu nodded in agreement. "We need to search for her. Maybe she's in trouble or needs our help."

Momo, Nayeon, and the others were equally anxious, and they quickly began organizing search parties to cover different parts of the realm. Jeongyeon took charge of coordinating the knights to aid in the search efforts.

As the groups dispersed into the forest, each person held a glimmer of hope that they would find Y/N safe and sound. The realm that had once been a place of magic and wonder now felt incomplete without her presence. They were determined to bring her back and ensure her safety, no matter the challenges they faced.

Little did they know, the threads connecting their two worlds were growing thinner, and the fate of both realms was more intertwined than they could have ever imagined.


Y/N walked through the familiar halls of her school, the chatter and laughter of students filling the air around her. It felt good to be back in her own world, surrounded by the sights and sounds she had known all her life. As she made her way to her classroom, she couldn't help but think about the adventures she had experienced in the enchanted realm.

Sitting at her desk, Y/N listened to the teacher's introduction and glanced around at her classmates. There was a comforting familiarity in being back in her human world, but a part of her still longed for the magical realm and the friends she had made there.

Break Time, her classmates had gone out, she was the last to go out. As she goes, she was not looking at her way she bump into someone making the other drop her books.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at my way." Y/N apologize, looking up she saw the familiar face. "Tzuyu?" she asked uncertain. "Sorry, I dont know you. I'll go now."

Y/N's heart raced as she watched Tzuyu walk away, a whirlwind of confusion and excitement filling her thoughts. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something extraordinary was happening, even in her own world.

She had seen Tzuyu, or someone who remarkably resembled her, and it left her questioning if her two worlds were somehow connected.

As she continued down the hallway, her mind raced with possibilities. Could it have been Tzuyu from the enchanted realm? Or was it simply someone who looked remarkably similar? Y/N's thoughts were in a frenzy, and she found herself torn between chasing after the mysterious figure and carrying on with her day.

The encounter left her intrigued and restless. She couldn't concentrate in class, her thoughts continuously drifting back to the enigmatic person who had crossed her path. During the next break, she decided to take a chance and look for clues, perhaps even find the person again.

She retraced her steps to the hallway where the encounter had taken place, hoping to catch another glimpse of the person who had so unexpectedly caught her attention.

Y/N looked around, her eyes scanning the surroundings, but the person was nowhere to be found. It was as if they had vanished into thin air.

With a sigh, she leaned against the wall, lost in thought. As she closed her eyes, she could almost feel the enchanting breeze of the mystical forest on her skin, the laughter of her friends echoing in her ears. The two worlds seemed to blur together in her mind, leaving her feeling both bewildered and nostalgic.

Y/N's phone buzzed in her pocket, bringing her back to reality. It was a message from one of her friends, asking if she wanted to join them for an impromptu hangout after school.

She hesitated for a moment, torn between the magical memories of the enchanted realm and the simple joys of her human world.


As I was with my friends hanging out, I couldn't get Tzuyu out of my mind. Bidding my goodbyes to my friend as we parted ways. Walking to my house my thoughts had interrupted and look to a girl being circled with three mens.

As I rushed forward, my heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. The memory of the enchanted realm and the powers I had wielded there echoed in my mind. Could those powers be real here too? The thought both excited and terrified me as I approached the scene.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled, my voice wavering slightly with nervousness. The three guys turned to look at me, surprise and confusion evident on their faces. The girl they had been bothering looked at me, I can't seem to see her face clearly.

"Who do you think you are?" one of the guys sneered, stepping closer to me. My heart pounded in my chest, but I refused to back down. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, recalling the feeling of power that had surged through me in the enchanted realm.

When I opened my eyes, I extended my hand toward the ground, trying to will the earth beneath the guy's feet to shake. To my astonishment, the ground trembled slightly, and the guy stumbled back, his expression turning from arrogance to shock.

"I suggest you leave before things get worse," I warned, my voice steady now, empowered by the mysterious force coursing through me. The guys hesitated for a moment before deciding to retreat, casting wary looks at me as they left.

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