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As the shadows dissipated and the darkness retreated, leaving behind only the figure of Y/N's father, a sense of relief swept through the group. The battle had been fierce, their combined efforts a testament to their unity and determination. The princesses stood strong, their powers intertwined with Y/N's, an unbreakable bond forged in the heat of the conflict.

Y/N's father remained, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded. His words held a plea, a desperation that seemed to carry the weight of his own choices.

"Y/N, please, just let me do this," he implored, his voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and a flicker of something that resembled regret.

Y/N's gaze met his, a silent understanding passing between them. In that moment, she saw beyond the veneer of darkness that had shrouded him.

Her friends, her mystical allies, even Jeongyeon – they all bristled with a protective instinct, ready to intervene if needed. But Y/N's expression held a calm determination, a conviction that seemed to reassure them.

As Y/N nodded, the collective tension in the air seemed to ease. Jeongyeon and the others exchanged glances, their concern palpable. Y/N's assurance seemed to carry a weight of trust that transcended the chaos that had unfolded.

With a measured step, Y/N's father approached her, his hand coming to rest gently upon her head. And in an instant, a flood of memories surged forth, a montage of moments that spanned across time.

Family gatherings, laughter, shared secrets, and the indelible connection that had once existed between them – they all came rushing back with an emotional intensity that was almost overwhelming.

Y/N's eyes welled with tears as she relived those memories, a mix of happiness and sorrow intertwining in her heart. The image of her father shifted from the shadowy figure that had wreaked havoc to the man who had once held her hand, guided her steps, and shared the warmth of familial love.

Amidst the backdrop of the clearing, the past and the present converged in a poignant symphony. Y/N's grip on her sword relaxed, her heart heavy with the weight of what had transpired.

And as the memories subsided, she looked up at her father, her gaze holding a depth of understanding that defied the chaos that had surrounded them.

Tears welled in his eyes as well, a silent acknowledgment of the complex emotions that bound them. And in that fleeting moment, as the aftermath of battle settled around them, father and daughter stood connected – not by darkness, but by the fragments of light that had endured even amidst the shadows.

"Y/N, again I'm really sorry for everything. I just want to see my precious daughter. Be careful on everything you choice, hmm. Goodbye." Her father faded, the dust flowed through the air as Y/N cried.

Sana's comforting presence enveloped Y/N, her words a soothing balm to the raw emotions that had been stirred. "You've done very well, Y/N," Sana's voice carried a genuine warmth, a testament to the unwavering bond that had formed among them. Y/N's tears continued to fall, her heart heavy with a mix of conflicting emotions.

Amidst the clearing, the group had gathered around Y/N, their expressions a blend of concern and empathy. Nayeon, Momo, and Tzuyu stood close, their support palpable even without words. Jeongyeon, too, was by her side, a silent pillar of strength.

Y/N wiped her tears, a shaky smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thank you, Sana," her voice trembled slightly, the weight of the recent events still lingering. "I never imagined that I would have to face my own father like this."

Sana's gentle smile mirrored her own, a testament to the camaraderie that had grown between them. "Life has a way of surprising us," Sana's voice was soft but resolute. "You've shown incredible strength today, Y/N. Remember, you're not alone in this journey."

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