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"Welcome back, my dears," the queen said with a smile, her eyes filled with a mixture of relief and affection as she embraced each of her daughters.

"Thank you, Mother," Sana replied warmly, returning the hug.

"We're glad you're safe," Nayeon added, her voice carrying a touch of concern.

Momo nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "Don't worry, we've managed to handle things."

The queen glanced at Y/N, her gaze filled with kindness. "And how are you, Y/N? Have you settled in well?"

Y/N's heart skipped a beat, touched by the queen's genuine concern. "Yes, Your Highness. I'm adapting and getting to know this world better."

The king stepped forward, his presence commanding respect as he nodded at each of them. "You've done well, my daughters. We're proud of the unity you've shown in protecting our realm."

Sana, Nayeon, Momo, and Tzuyu exchanged glances, a shared understanding passing between them. Their efforts had not only protected their own world but had strengthened their bonds as sisters.

As the king and queen continued to converse with the princesses, Y/N's mind wandered back to her own world and the memory of her mother. She couldn't help but feel a pang of longing, but the warmth of the royal family's presence helped ease her heartache. She was reminded that she had found a new family here – one that cared for her deeply.

Jeongyeon rejoined them, her posture reflecting her knightly demeanor as she stood by the princesses' side. "Your Majesties, the situation in the mystical forest has been resolved. The woods are thriving once more."

The king nodded approvingly. "Well done, Jeongyeon. Your dedication to our kingdom and its allies does not go unnoticed."

The castle was adorned with banners and decorations, a festive atmosphere filling the air as the occasion to celebrate the return of the princesses, Y/N, and Jeongyeon took place. The grand hall was filled with nobles, courtiers, and guests from far and wide, all eager to welcome the heroes who had protected their kingdom.

Sana, Nayeon, Momo, and Tzuyu stood together at the center of the grand hall, dressed in elegant gowns that befitted their status as princesses. They wore smiles that radiated their shared sense of accomplishment and unity. The courtiers gathered around them, offering compliments and praise for their bravery.

Y/N stood slightly apart, feeling a mixture of awe and unease at the grandeur of the occasion. The gowns and jewels, the swirling dances and melodious music – it was a world she had only read about in fairy tales. Yet, she couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging, knowing that her presence here was a result of the friendships she had forged.

Jeongyeon, clad in her armor, moved gracefully through the crowd, conversing with the knights and courtiers who approached her. Her demeanor was a mix of professionalism and approachability, a testament to her role as a protector of the realm and a leader to her fellow knights.

As the evening progressed, the king and queen made their grand entrance, drawing the attention of all. The guests respectfully bowed as the monarchs passed by, acknowledging their presence with a sense of reverence. The king's voice carried through the hall as he offered a warm welcome and words of gratitude to all who had gathered.

The festivities continued with dances and performances, showcasing the talent and creativity of the kingdom. Y/N found herself swept into the whirlwind of activity, gradually feeling more at ease as she engaged in conversations and shared laughter with the courtiers.

Sana approached Y/N, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Y/N, you seem to be enjoying yourself."

Y/N chuckled, her cheeks slightly flushed. "I admit, it's quite different from what I'm used to, but it's an experience I won't forget."

Sana grinned. "Well, get ready, because we have a surprise for you."

Before Y/N could inquire further, the music shifted to a lively tempo, and Sana pulled her into a dance. The two swayed and twirled, their laughter blending with the melody. As the dance continued, Nayeon, Momo, and Tzuyu joined in, creating an impromptu dance floor that drew the attention of the guests.

Jeongyeon, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but smile at the camaraderie on display. She approached them, her armor gleaming in the soft light of the hall. "Looks like you're having fun," she remarked to Y/N.

Y/N nodded, breathless from the dance. "Definitely. I never thought I'd experience something like this."

Jeongyeon's gaze softened. "You deserve it. You've become an integral part of our world."

As the dance came to an end, the princesses and Jeongyeon gathered around Y/N, their smiles warm and genuine. In that moment, surrounded by friends and newfound family, Y/N realized that she had truly found a place where she belonged.

The occasion continued, a celebration of unity, friendship, and the shared strength that had brought together different worlds. The night was filled with laughter, music, and a sense of joy that resonated deeply within the hearts of all who had come together under the castle's grand roof.


Y/N chuckled at the sight of the princesses engaged in a playful argument over who would get to spend time with her. Sana folded her arms with a determined expression. "I think it's only fair that I get to hang out with Y/N first."

Nayeon rolled her eyes, a playful grin tugging at her lips. "Come on, Sana. I've been wanting to catch up with Y/N for a while now."

Momo, not one to be left out, chimed in with a mischievous smile. "Sorry, Nayeon, but I've already decided. Y/N and I are going to have a fantastic time together."

Tzuyu, who had been observing the friendly banter, finally spoke up. "I think we should all get a chance to spend time with Y/N. Why not take turns?"

Sana sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine. We'll take turns."

Nayeon grinned triumphantly. "Perfect. We'll have a schedule then."

As the princesses and Y/N discussed their plans, Momo's enthusiasm was contagious. "I can't wait for our day together, Y/N! We'll do all sorts of fun things."

Y/N laughed, feeling touched by their eagerness. "I'm looking forward to it too, Momo."

Jeongyeon, who had been observing the playful scene, couldn't help but interject. "Don't forget about me, Y/N. I'm always up for an adventure."

Sana pouted, crossing her arms. "Hey, we called dibs first."

Nayeon chuckled. "Don't worry, Sana. We'll make sure Y/N spends time with all of us."

Tzuyu's calm voice cut through the excitement. "Let's not forget that Y/N also has her own preferences."

Y/N nodded, appreciating Tzuyu's insight. "That's true. I want to spend time with all of you and get to know each of you better."

The princesses exchanged glances, a shared understanding passing between them. They may have different personalities, but their bond was unbreakable. Y/N had become a cherished friend, someone who had brought new perspectives to their lives.

As the playful argument settled, they agreed to create a schedule that would allow each of them to spend quality time with Y/N.

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