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The three of them hang out a little bit, Y/N brought them to the plaza. "So how did you get house or something that feel like a home to you? Did you get a castle here?" Y/N asked them curious as she was swinging at the swing.

Momo and Nayeon exchanged amused glances before Momo chuckled. "Well, not exactly a castle, but we found a nice place to stay. It's a cozy house with a beautiful garden. We wanted something that felt like home," Momo explained, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Nayeon nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and we've been trying to blend in as much as possible. It's been an adventure getting used to this world, but it's been fun too."

Y/N grinned, swinging her legs back and forth. "That sounds amazing! I'm glad you found a comfortable place here. And blending in, huh? Well, I think you've been doing a great job so far.

Momo chuckled. "Thanks, Y/N. It's been quite the experience, that's for sure."


Irene looked at Y/N with surprise. "Really? That's quite a story. Tell me all about it."

Excitedly, Y/N recounted her encounter with Momo and Nayeon at the school and their subsequent hangout. She described the adjustment they were making to the human realm.

Irene listened intently, her eyes widening as Y/N shared the details. "It sounds like you've been through quite an extraordinary journey, Y/N. Having friends from another realm must be both exciting and challenging."

Y/N nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, it's been a whirlwind of emotions, but I'm really glad to have met them. They're amazing."

Irene patted Y/N's shoulder fondly. "I'm sure they're just as lucky to have met you. Remember, Y/N, friendships like these are precious. Cherish them and the memories you're making."

Y/N nodded again, grateful for her aunt's words of wisdom.


The next day, It was weekend, no classes. Y/N strode through the road not knowing that she will met the princesses and knight.

"Hey Y/N!" Jeongyeon yelled caughting Y/N's attention, waving at them back as she walked to their direction. "Where were you going?" Sana asked, Y/N replied with tease, "I thought you don't know me." she also look Tzuyu as the girl just look away.

"Ohhhh" Momo and Nayeon reacted. "Ok, enough. Im gonna stroll the town wanna go?" Y/N laughed.

Laughter echoed as they all agreed to join Y/N in her stroll through the town. The group wandered around, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling streets.

"So, Y/N, any interesting places you want to show us?" Nayeon asked with a mischievous grin.

Y/N chuckled. "Well, there's this cute café a few blocks away. They have the best pastries and cozy atmosphere. What do you think?"

The princesses and Jeongyeon exchanged glances, then nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds good to us! Lead the way," Sana chimed in.

As they made their way to the café, the group chatted and laughed, sharing stories and getting to know each other better. Y/N felt a sense of warmth and belonging in their company, as if they were meant to be friends from the start.

At the café, they settled into a corner table, each choosing their favorite pastries and drinks. The conversation flowed effortlessly, with Y/N learning more about the enchanted realm and the lives of the princesses and Jeongyeon.

She also shared stories from her own world, making everyone laugh with her anecdotes.

And so, they spent the day together, not as princesses and a knight from another realm, but as friends who had found each other across different worlds.

"Want to sleep over at our house Y/N?" Sana excitedly offered. "It will be nice, Wait ill just text aunt." after texting and got approval they start walking to their house.

"By the way, where was the teleportation happened?" asked Y/N as Jeongyeon open the door, as a knight she really was respectful even when they weren't on the castle. "How about we go there?" Nayeon voiced. "Let's go!" Momo was excited.

With flashlight they strode the street. Nayeon turn left met with many tall trees. The path was straight as they follow it.

Excitement buzzed in the air as they stood under the towering tree, surrounded by the glow of the bugs' lights. Y/N felt a sense of wonder at the magical atmosphere, realizing that even though she was from a different world, she was now a part of their shared adventures.

"We found our selves here." Nayeon pointed at the tree. "We can get back if we want, by our powers. You can go with us, since your power might help us too." Tzuyu spoke smiling.

"That sounds like a plan then," Y/N replied with a smile, feeling grateful for the bond she had formed with the princesses and Jeongyeon. "I can't wait to see our friends and visit the enchanted realm again."

"Definitely," Sana chimed in, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "It'll be so much fun!"

Momo nodded enthusiastically. "I'm looking forward to it. And maybe we can do something special for our mystical friends too."

Jeongyeon chuckled. "They'd probably be thrilled to see you again, Y/N. And I bet the enchanted realm misses you as well."

As they walked back to the house, sharing stories and laughter along the way, Y/N couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment.

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