#01.2 Broken Strings

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He entered the building of The SR Empire, which states Sky Rise, that's what the letters stand for and that's what the motto was.........

The building itself was a symbol of royalness, that depicted the taste of its owner.

He was wearing a white crisp shirt, with grey paint. However, his grey coat was hanging on his right arm.
His eyesight glasses suited him perfectly. His grey hairs were perfectly combed, his trimmed beard gave him a decent look, his face showed a certain gracefulness and his personality had a certain aura even at this age.
He was in his early fifties but how he carried himself was quite impressive.

While moving towards his office his gaze fell upon the glass door of the cabin that was locked for the last two years.
The nameplate hanging beside the glass door wall stated, Aryan SKR, MD of The SR Empire.

Aryan, his son, his strength.
Aryan was a shadow of his late mother, calm, composed, and brainy.
Aryan had been taking hold of the main unit of the SR Empire in Dehli. However, his father was handling the New York branch until an unfortunate incident took place.

Aryan lost his life in a tragic car accident and his wife Shanaya being unable to take the trauma encountered a nervous breakdown and lost her life. They both left leaving behind their four-year-old son.

He felt a ray of heaviness on remembering the past.

If somebody would have asked him, "What's the worst suffering on this earth?"
He would have told, "To witness your loved ones' death, to carry the dead body of your child on your shoulders and the helplessness of never being able to bring your loved ones back no matter how much excruciating the pain is...... That's the worst suffering..... Trust me that's the worst."

"SK...." The voice of Vikram Mehra, his company's legal advisor cum his best friend broke his chain of thoughts.

He smiled looking at him and gestured him to walk towards his office. His manager cum personal assistant, Akash opened the glass door for both of them. They both entered the office.

"What brought you here today?" SK asked.
Vikram smiled at him.

"Am I not allowed to come here without any work?"
Vikram asked.

"Well, I haven't said that."
He replied.

Vikram chuckled at his reply.

"Well if you are forgetting let me remind you, you asked my company to ST Mart Boarding School."
Vikram said leaning back on the chair.

"How could I forget that?"
He asked with a smile.

"Good, so when are we going?"
Vikram asked.

"By the way, Arjun must have visited ST Mart last week?"
SK asked casually taking a file from the table.

"No, he didn't. Anna told me. Probably he would visit this week."
Vikram replied.

"Oh...... I was also thinking to go there this week."
SK tried his best to portray that it is a mere coincidence.

Vikram rolled his eyes at his friend's poor acting skills.

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