#02.1 Connected Strings

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Two Years Back.......


It felt as if something was constantly hammering on his head. His eyes were shut tightly and his head was continuously moving right & left to lessen the pain but that sharp pain was nowhere near to reduction it was engulfing his residual courage.

He could see stains of blood.

The sharp pain in his head was increasing with the passing seconds. He was not able to focus but the sight of blood was clear in his memory.

Someone was holding the knife.

He started sweating profusely. He could feel his heartbeat increasing to a crucial level.

"You are responsible for her death. You are the reason she is not alive. You killed her. Your anger killed her."

Those words started ringing in his ears. He wanted to put his hands on his ears to block that sound but he felt as if he was unable to move even his little finger.

He heard his scream.

He started gasping for air.

Someone was calling his name.
He could hear the voice coming from far away.

"Arjun, it's just a nightmare."
Now that voice could be heard near him.

"Arjun, get up."
It was the most familiar voice he had heard in the last five days.

His attention diverted from the blood to the voice.

His heartbeat was getting normal. The abrupt movements of his body started subsiding gradually. His eye muscles relaxed.

"Arjun. Open your eyes."
And he did...

He opened his eyes and tried to find the source of the voice when his sight fell on the figure standing beside him, leaning over him and patting his shoulders slowly.

He whispered in a heavy voice.

His eyes became teary on seeing his elder brother in front of him after five years.

He had been in the hospital for five days which seemed like forever to him.

He was craving for a familiar face.
He was craving for someone who would listen to him.
He was craving for someone who would ask him, is he alright? And he would reply, no! He is not.
He is vulnerable. He is broken. He is hurt. He is confused. He is in pain, in excruciating pain.

Aryan leaned forward and embraced him. Arjun's heart became heavy and he couldn't control himself. Those overwhelming emotions lead him to burst into tears.

He was expecting the same gesture from Sameer when he came to meet him two days before. After all, Sam & Roshni was his only family for the last five years.

They both had lost Roshni. They both were in the same pain but instead of sharing that pain, Sameer decided to accuse him of Roshni's death.
Maybe that was his way of coping with the situation.

When there is someone to blame, the pain lessened a bit and Sameer had found a way to lessen his pain, not understanding the fact that in this process he was accelerating Arjun's pain.

Arjun ff Strings Where stories live. Discover now