#02.2 Connected Strings

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She entered the ETF building with her usual bright smile.
Her gaze automatically traveled to the second in command's office.
She looked at the glass door wondering 'Is he here?'.
She remembered, yesterday night, he left the office early.
Unusual of him........

His behavior had always been mysterious to the whole ETF members.

ACP Arjun Rawte, the one who always preferred to stay late at the office sometimes became too eager to leave the office and always showed up late the next working day.
And that softness that appeared on his face frequently while being fully indulged in his phone.
Whether someone else noticed it or not she did.....

She entered the conference room and waved at everyone with her bright smile and in return received warming smiles from Shree, Chotu, Liza & Ayesha.

"Where are Sameer, Vijay & Arjun?"
She asked.

"Rathore & Vijay sir both are in their office and Arjun sir is late."
Shree replied.

"As expected."
She muttered audibly enough to be heard by everyone.

They all gave her a knowing smile.

"Rathore sir is very angry. Subha se das bar Puch chukay hain, where is Rawte?"
Shree told her, saying the last line imitating Rathore.

"Didn't he call him?"
She asked.

"He did but Arjun sir didn't pick up."
Shree said giving an obvious smile to Sakshi. She chuckled.

"By the way, what do you think where is he? Remember, he even left the office early last night."
Chotu asked curiously.

"Chotu, he is ACP Arjun Rawte, he hates when someone questions his actions. So, put aside your curiosity."
Shree stated with a cheeky smile.
They all nodded in agreement.

However, Chotu glared at him in return.


He looked at his ringing phone annoyed.
"Rathore calling", was showing on his phone screen.

He sat down and leaned back on the bed crown.

Yesterday was hectic. Firstly the whole day went in a complicated case.

After that, he somehow managed to leave the office early because he had to drive towards ST. Mart Boarding School as he already had missed last weekend's meeting with Avi & he knew he must be angry and the same happened.

And then his late night journey back to Mumbai was quite hectic and the rest to his lodge, he was tired.

The sun was rising when he entered his room. He fell on the bed after taking a shower.

He looked at the clock that was striking at 10:30 a.m. He knew he was late and Rathore must be super irritated at him but who cares?

He shifted his attention back to the phone that had started ringing again. He picked it up.

"Damn it Rawte!!!"
He could hear the loud voice of Rathore, shouting at him.

Arjun ff Strings Where stories live. Discover now