#04.1 Strings Of The Past

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Rathore looked at his watch annoyed. Everyone was present in the conference room except Vijay.

This Arjun wasn't enough, Vijay also had started to follow in his footsteps.
Rathore thought glaring at Arjun as if it was all his fault.

"Shree call him. Aik to Yahan har kisi ko apni manmani Karni hai."

Rathore taunted and everybody knew to whom this taunt was directed but Arjun being Arjun sat there unbothered by his surroundings.

This 'who cares?' attitude of him was frustrating Rathore further.

Before he could say anything, Vijay entered the conference room like a storm, astonishing everyone present there.

"You knew it. Right?"
Vijay asked standing in front of Arjun.
There was something serious in his voice. Arjun straightened up and waited for him to say further.

"You always knew it."
Everyone was looking at him confused including Arjun.

"What are you talking about?"
Finally, he asked.

"The whole world thinks that Roshni was killed by one of your enemies but Yahan to Kahani hi alag hai......"

As Vijay uttered these words everyone looked at Arjun stunned.
They knew he didn't tolerate a single word about his personal life but there he was sitting calmly.

And Rathore snapped at the words he heard. That's what the truth was. Roshni was killed by Arjun's enemy.
He was the reason she was not alive, that's what Rathore's first thought was.

Arjun didn't say anything for some seconds. He took his moment to grasp upon Vijay's words. Then he almost whispered,
"You are right. I knew it."

Vijay shut his eyes in frustration.

Rathore looked at Arjun surprised. Is he the same Arjun who would have destroyed everything at the mere mention of his past?

It had been hardly some weeks since Vijay joined ETF. When did they both become so comfortable talking about their personal life?
Why did it hurt seeing someone else in your place even when you were the one who had left that place empty?

However, others were shocked as well as confused at this interaction.

"Are you insane?
Vijay said in frustration.

"And me....... The dumbest of all..... I was also thinking the same till now."
Arjun just looked at Vijay's outburst.

"I didn't say that I had that realization all along."
Arjun sighed.

"And when did you realize? And when were you going to enlighten me with your realization."
Vijay asked sarcastically at his calmness.

"What did you find out?"
Arjun asked ignoring his question.

Vijay took a deep breath and forwarded some papers towards him.
It was no use to argue with the great ACP Arjun Rawte.
This guy was never going to spill the beans until he wanted to.

Arjun took the papers and started examining them thoroughly, and then his gaze stopped at a point and his eyes widened in confusion.

Juniors were looking at both of them curiously but no one dared to ask anything. However, Rathore couldn't resist anymore and asked, "Ye Kya chal raha hai?"

Arjun & Vijay gave him a look as if saying, 'None of your business.'

"I have some work."
Arjun left hurriedly without giving Rathore any chance to object, who was now ready to grill Vijay.

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