#06.1 Entangled Strings

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.....And that was their fate that had entangled their lives into each other.

She came out of the room and looked at the vacant corridor.
They all left a few minutes ago. Only Arjun & Vijay were staying there with her.

Vijay was wandering around the canteen, not omitting to check on her from time to time. However, Arjun was nowhere to be seen.

She looked around in search of him and moved ahead. Crossing the corridors she saw him sitting outside on a bench staring at a non-specific point.

She stood there darting at him intently.
She always felt something for him. The pain in his eyes had always pulled her towards him but she never thought that fate would entangle them in such a way that they would never dodge each other.

Taking a deep breath she stepped towards him. Reaching near him she lingered for some seconds and then sat down beside him.

He, who was in deep thought snapped at her presence. He straightened up and glanced at her.

Seconds passed. None of them spoke.
He again leaned back taking a deep breath.

Sakshi glimpsed at him and then put her head on his shoulder, not caring about his reaction.

His first instinct was astonishment at her action but his second instinct instantly gauges the situation & her condition.
He glanced at her once but didn't say anything.

She held his arm as tears made their way from her eyes to her cheeks and absorbed into his shirt's sleeve.
She needed a shoulder to cry and he understood the situation.

Of course, he had gone through this. He had spent his days in the hospital craving for his loved ones, his friends, and his family.

Moments started to glide & none of them uttered a single phrase.

The chaos in the calm occurred as someone threw himself on the same bench, startling both of them.

They both looked at the person who was sitting beside Arjun, stuffing himself with the fries, unbothered by his surroundings.

Vijay glanced at them who were already staring at him.
He raised an eyebrow as if asking 'What?'

Getting no reply he forwarded his beloved fries towards them.
Sakshi shook her head negatively. However, Arjun rolled his eyes with annoyance.

"Come on! Have it. Usually, I don't share my fries with anyone but this time I am breaking the rule."

"THANK YOU SO MUCH for this act of kindness. How would we be able to pay back this gigantic favor?"
Arjun asked.
Sarcasm was visible in his words & he didn't even try to conceal it.

"By just paying the canteen's bill."

Vijay voiced out and Arjun looked at him with a 'Are you for real?' question written all over his face.

"Look you cannot back out now. I already have given your name & number to the canteen's owner."
Vijay said instantly.

Arjun looked at him dumbfounded. However, Sakshi chuckled at his tactics.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Can't you do this minor thing for your............"

"Poor, unprivileged, and deprived friend...... Right?"
Sarcasm was dripping from Arjun's voice but it did not budge Mr. Vijay even a little bit.

He replied.

"Sakshi, you can also have anything from the canteen. Arjun will take care of the expenses."
He told her.

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