I'm his fool

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Present Day Capsule Corp...

" You both need to work harder if either of you want to be a god of destruction one day." Lord Beerus scoffs watching Goku and Vegeta sparring

Midori-ko watched Goku and Vegeta sparring from the waters edge

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Midori-ko watched Goku and Vegeta sparring from the waters edge.
Midori-ko had rolled up her jeans and was enjoying the cooling relaxing feeling of the water on her feet.
Midori-ko looked up watching Goku moving with power and grace. She enjoyed watching Goku sparring it made her nostalgic.

" I already told you! I don't want to be a destroyer god." Goku scowls at Lord Beerus blocking Vegeta's punch.

" Being a God of Destruction is amazing you rarely have to work and you can sleep as long as you want." Lord Beerus brags "All you gotta do is destroy some unnecessary planets once in a while it's easy." Lord Beerus adds

" Forget it." Goku looks back and briefly at Midori-ko who kicks the water and smiles at him "If I said no to being the Dragon emperor I'm definitely not doing something horrible like being a destroyer god." Goku tells Lord Beerus

" When were you offered such a position?" Whis questions

" Keep your eyes on me clown!!" Vegeta finally lands a punch knocking Goku towards where Lord Beerus and Whis were sitting.
Without a thought Lord Beerus flicked Goku away with his tail into the water splashing enough to get Midori-ko wet too.

" Hey." Midori-ko jumps out of the way before she was drenched

" What the heck Lord Beerus?!" Goku immediately rose out of the water

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" What the heck Lord Beerus?!" Goku immediately rose out of the water

" That's what you get for insulting my work." Lord Beerus sips on his soda

" Even though Lord Beerus doesn't do much work anymore." Whis chuckles

" Unnecessary." Lord Beerus grumbles

" Oh dear you're all wet." Midori-ko smirks at a completely drenched Goku

" Geez." Goku groans "Get your mind out of the gutter." Goku frowns reading Midori-ko's mind

" I don't know what you're talking about." She smirks

" Midori-ko did I hear Goku correctly?" Whis asks as she helps Goku ring the water out of his gi.

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