Tokoyami x reader

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No one's POV:

You walked into the living room where most of the class was sitting around on the couch or the floor watching 'Home alone'.

"I made hot chocolate!" you called, balancing two trays, ladened with the hot beverage, on each arm.

"Yay! Thank you, Y/N!!" said Mina, jumping up from her spot next to Kirishima.

"No problem! There's one cup for every body and some mini marshmallows on the counter for whoever wants to add some."

"You're the best, Y/N!" exclaimed Sero, adding a few handfuls of marshmallows into his drink.

"Really guys, it was no problem!" you smiled handing out mugs.

Asui made to grab the one with a straw but you stopped her, politely explaining:

"Uh, sorry, Asui, but that one's for Tokoyami. I put a straw in his 'cause I thought that it might be hard for him to drink from the mug with his beak."

"Oh, okay, sorry, ribbit. I didn't know."

"It's okay! There's more straws in the top drawer if you want one."

You looked around and spotted Tokoyami. He was lingering at the back, patiently waiting for his hot cocoa.

You carefully made your way through the small crowd and gave it to him.

"Here, Tokoyami, yours has a straw. I thought it might make it easier to drink."

"Thank you." he replied quietly, accepting the offered drink.

His heart rate sped up a little as you smiled at him. You were always so kind and thoughtful to him, making adjustments for him, Shoji and the others with odd body parts. You never forgot the small things like needing a straw or two extra pairs of gloves.

Once everyone had received their drinks, they settled down and resumed their Christmas movie marathon.

Tokoyami's thoughts lingered on the h/c girl as he sipped his hot chocolate.


"Merry Christmas, everyone!!!" you called to the sleepy classmates filing into the common room as you helped Sato prepare a Christmas breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit for the whole class.

"Merry Christmas." some of them said back.

"After we eat, we can exchange presents!" you exclaimed happily, setting a carton of milk and pitcher of orange juice on the table.

Some of your classmates couldn't help but smile. Your cheerfulness was contagious and it was Christmas after all.

Soon breakfast was ready and the whole class was sitting around the table. You had had to knock on Bakugo's door for 3 minutes before he finally agreed to come out.

"Thank you for the food!" said everyone, before digging into the pancakes and talking about what they had planned for the holidays.

As soon as the last plate was cleared, you jumped up and ran to get the presents.

Of course, you had something for everyone.

You handed out all the presents with a smile and a 'Merry Christmas', receiving gifts from most of them in return.

"Sweet, Crocs!!" exclaimed Kirishima as he unwrapped his gift.

"How did you know I wanted this!"

"I love them so much!"

"This is perfect for me!"

"Y/N, you're so thoughtful!"

You smiled as all your friends opened their presents.

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