Shinso x reader

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Reader's quirk: mind reading


No one's POV:


"Yes, Y/N?" answered the tired voice of your best friend.

"Wanna walk home together?" you asked him eagerly, practically skipping as you fell into step beside him.

"No, you're annoying."

Sure, why not. It's not like I have any other friends.

"Of course you have other friends, Hitoshi! What about Aizawa?"

"Hey! I told you not to read my mind without permission! And besides, he's more like my dad than my friend." he said dismissively.

"Well, I'm worth a whole army of friends!" you said happily.

You sure are.


You were laying on your bed, homework forgotten. You just couldn't stop thinking about your best friend, Hitoshi.

You two had become fast friends at the beginning of the school year because of your similar quirks and opposite personalities.

You had both been bullied before for having 'villainous quirks' so neither of you really had any other friends.

You both had each other and that had always been enough. He was your very best friend and nothing more. Okay, maybe you did think about him a lot, your face felt warm whenever he gave you a rare complement, your heart fluttered when he smiled and sometimes you felt this weird urge to kiss him, but that was normal for best friends right?

Crap, you definitely had a crush.

You doubted he felt the same, so you decided to keep this newfound information to yourself. You could just read his mind, but that felt like an invasion of privacy.

Screw it, you'll tell him tomorrow.

But what if this ruins your friendship?

Yeah, that's the goal??

No, like, he hates you afterwards?

Dang it, I hadn't thought about that.

Yolo, just tell him.

Yeah, you're right.


"Hey, Hitoshi! Can I talk you for a second?"

"Of course. We're walking home together aren't we?"

"Yeah." you answered nervously.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" he asked straightforwardly.

You took a deep breath. You had stayed up until one am thinking of every possible scenario, so you felt prepared.

"I don't want this to affect our friendship... Well, I do but... I just don't want to loose you and..."

"Spit it out." he interrupted like the polite and patient gentleman he is.

"I like you."

He froze, eyes widening. You waited anxiously for an answer, watching his expression carefully for any sign of what he was thinking.

"As in, more than best friends." You clarified.

After a while of still no reaction, you decided to read his mind as a last resort.


Well, you broke him.

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