Dabi x reader

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In this oneshot, the reader is a pro hero.


Your POV:

"He's somewhere nearby! We have to catch him before he hurts any more civilians!" called one of the pro heroes I was working with.

I nodded and we continued our search for the notorious villain who went be the name of Dabi. He had evaded our capture but this time we had him for sure!.... is what the other heroes on my team thought.

They had no idea that I was secretly dating the villain we were supposed to be arresting. The truth was, I didn't care if he was a villain or not and he didn't care if I was a hero. When we were together, there was no 'good' and 'bad', just us. So I had to do all in my power to make sure he wasn't caught so that we could still be together.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the swish of a black cloak. I instantly knew who it was.

I quietly went over to him, to see him lurking in an alley.

"It's a good thing a found you before they did." I said quickly walking up to Dabi, jerking a thumb behind me to indicate the pro heroes on his trail.

"Oh, please." he scoffed "I let you find me."

"And why is that?" I smirked.

"So I could do this."

He stepped closer and swept me up into a deep, but brief, kiss.

"H/N (hero name), come in! Any new leads on the villain?" I jumped as my walkie talkie crackled to life.

I picked it up and pressed the button to answer.

"Nope. Nothing here." I told them, holding back a laugh as I looked up at Dabi, who was standing right in front of me.

"Dang it, he got away again!" said the hero angrily.

"Where on earth could he be?" said Dabi sarcastically.

"I have no idea." I smiled, before pulling him into another kiss.


"H/N, we have decided to give you the day off." announced my boss, the owner of the hero agency I worked at. "I deeply admire how you have been fearlessly volunteering to lead the searches for Dabi. Despite his reputation for a ruthless killer and the fact that the chases have yielded little to no results, you do not give up! And for those reasons, I have decided to give the day off!"

"Thank you, sir!" I exclaimed. A day off meant a visit to see Dabi. The villain whom I had 'fearlessly volunteered to lead the searches for'.

"No problem. Have a good break!"

I waved and left the office, wondering what I should do with my free time. Maybe Dabi was free so we could go on a date! I'd have to ask him about it. He might be busy doing something with The League.

I got home and changed out of my hero costume and into something casual. I sat down at the edge of my unmade bed and got out my phone to text my boyfriend.

Definitely not a villain<3

I have the day off.
If you're free, I'd love to go out<3
read at 9:37 am

Yeah im free
Meet me in front of you apartment at 10

You got it 😚

I decided to change again, this time into something a little fancier. I went with a f/c dress, pearl earrings, sandals and I put my hair half up, leaving a few strands to fall in my face.

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