Denki x Reader with ADHD

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!!! No exciting plot or fighting villains, just you and Denki being a chaotic couple<3


Your POV:

Aizawa was going on about quirks or something but I was having a hard time paying attention. My ADHD was kicking in and before I knew it I had spent the whole morning zoned out.

"... the test on Friday. You can use your notes to study. Class dismissed." said Aizawa.

Wait, notes!?

I looked around and saw other students nodding and putting away their notebooks. With important notes in them. That I didn't have in mine.

Crap, I was gonna fail the test.

Stupid brain, why can't you just pay attention for once!?

I stood up and walked over to my boyfriend's desk.

"Heeeeey, Denki! Can I borrow your notes? Please, please, please, please!" I begged him.

"Wait, what notes?" he asked, slightly panicked.

"Crap, not you too!" I said, facepalming. "We need the notes from this class to study for the exam on Friday but I was zoned out and forgot to take them."

"That makes two of us." he said.

"Hey, Bakugo is smart, right? Could you ask him? You're one of the only extras he tolerates!" I asked "Plus he has neat handwriting. We can use his notes and study after school together!"

"I can try." he agreed reluctantly.

"Thanks, babe!" I kissed his cheek.

Slinging my bag over my shoulders, I left the room.


Kaminari's POV

I nervously approached Bakubro after our last class ended.

"Um, Bakugo?"

He turned around, his usual scowl in place.

"What do you want, dunce face!?"

"Well, you see, I, uh, forgot to take my notes and was wondering if maybe I could borrow yours?"

"No way in hell! How am I going to study if I give them to you!?" he yelled.

I sighed. It had been worth a shot. I walked out of the classroom to see Y/N waiting anxiously for me.

I shook my head and she let out a disappointed breath.

"I could ask Aizawa for help but he might get mad that we weren't paying attention." she proposed half-heartedly.

"It's better than failing." I muttered.

"I'm going to fail either way." she snorted.

"At least I won't be the only one..."


No one's POV:

You lingered in front of the teacher's lounge nervously weighing your options.

The liberty of choosing whether or not to approach Mr. Aizawa was taken from you when the said teacher walked out of the room.

"L/N? Can I help you?" he asked in a tired voice.

"Well, yes actually... You see... Uh, you know how me and De- Kaminari have a hard time paying attention in class sometimes?" you shifted uncomfortably "We... sorta didn't really take any notes in class and were wondering if you had any we could maybe use...?" you asked hopefully.

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