Bakugo x reader (pt 2)

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This is a continuation of the last Bakugo chapter I made, where Izuku is your best friend and Bakugo has a secret crush on you.


Your POV:

Something was off. Bakugo hadn't bothered Izuku in while and I couldn't figure out why. Don't get me wrong, it was good that the bullying had all but stopped, but it was so uncharacteristically... not Bakugo of Bakugo.

He definitely hadn't been being nice, though. He was just... avoiding Izuku? Or maybe he was avoiding me?

"What's wrong, Y/N?" asked Izuku, concern written all over his face.

It was currently lunch break and, sure enough, Bakugo was staring almost determinedly in the opposite direction of us.

"Bakugo." I muttered, looking back down at my food.

"What about him?" wondered my best friend "Now that you mention, he hasn't bullied me in a while."

"That's just it." I murmured "Why?"

"Maybe he's changed." shrugged Izuku.

"I doubt it." I said, looking at my food without really seeing it "It's like he's avoiding us."

I took a bite of my food, still lost in thought. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling he was specifically avoiding me.

And I was determined to find out why.


Bakugo's POV:

Lately I can't stand to be around Y/N. She makes me feel weird and it's driving me crazy.

Whenever I'm close to her I feel... nervous? I don't know when or why I've started thinking about her differently and what exactly I'm feeling, but I'm determined to ignore whatever it is.

Whenever I couldn't take it anymore, I told crappy hair about it. That didn't help at all, though, because he said it was 'lOvE' and that can't be true!

But what if it was?

Was it because she was strong, kind, brave, beaut- NO. STOP THINKING LIKE THAT.

I stared purposely away from her, avoiding looking at her all during lunch.

If I couldn't push whatever these feelings were down, I would just have to stay away from her until they went away on their own.

I hated her! She was friends with stupid Deku!

I kept telling myself that it was nothing. That we were rivals, at best.

Then why couldn't I stop thinking about her?


Your POV:

"Hey, Y/N?" asked Izuku nervously while we walked home from school.

Today I was going over to his house to eat dinner with him and his mom, or 'Mama Midoriya' as she insisted I call her.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, noticing that he looked down.

"Remember when you told me to tell you if Kacchan said anything mean to me again?" he asked, not meeting my eyes.

"What did he say?" I asked as calmly as I could, though I couldn't stop my hand from forming a fist.

"Nothing like last time!" he assured me hurriedly, referring to the time Bakugo told him to jump off of a roof "He just told that'd basically, I'd never amount to anything..."

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