Todoroki x Reader (fantasy AU)

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!I do not own 'Love Story'!


Your POV:

I was standing on the balcony, enjoying the feeling of the summer breeze washing over me. Distantly, I heard the noises of the ball coming from the ballroom. Taking a deep breath, I savoured my last minute of calm silence before heading back to the party.

I never really enjoyed any of the balls my father threw. They were all the same- a bunch of loud noble men and women dancing, drinking and talking.

I stood off to the side, wishing to be back on my peaceful balcony, as I watched the couples dance slowly around the ballroom.

I noticed a handsome young man make his way through the crowd of people, his heterochromic eyes on me.

I watched him curiously, I had never seen him at one of my father's many balls. He had one blue and one brown eye with a large red scar over the left side of his face. His hair was half red and half white, split perfectly down the middle. He was dressed nicely, showing that he too was a noble.

He walked up to me and bowed, a small smile on his face.

"Greeting. I am Lord Shoto Todoroki, son of Lord Enji Todoroki."

"And I am Lady Y/N L/N, daughter of Duke F/N L/N. Pleased to make your acquaintance." I curtsied, grabbing the sides of my f/c ball gown.

"Forgive the intrusion, but I was admiring your beauty from afar and just had to know your name." said Todoroki.

I blushed slightly at his complement and replied:

"Thank you, my Lord. You look handsome yourself. May I ask how your father knows mine?"

"They are rivals, actually." he explained. "A rich friend of theirs passed away recently and unexpectedly. He left no will and there is a big debate, or argument rather, on who gets his land. It was surprising hat we were invited to this lovely ball. I suppose your father is bribing him or something. It won't work though. My father is as stubborn as a mule." he added distastefully.

"I see." I said thoughtfully. "Well I'm glad you got invited non the less!" I smiled.

"As am I." he held out his hand. "Would you care to dance, Lady L/N?"

"I would love to." I grinned, taking his hand as we joined the other couples for the next dance.


It was late, but I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about the boy I had danced with a few nights earlier- Todoroki. What if I never saw him again? My heart ached at the thought.

No sooner had I thought that than I heard something hit my window.


I thought I was just hearing things when it happened again.


Curiously, I got out of bed and walked over to the window, bare feet patting softly on the carpet.

I opened the window and looked out, squinting in the darkness. I was able to make out a lone figure standing just outside. When my eyes adjusted I realized who it was.

"Todoroki!" I exclaimed quietly "What are you doing here!"

I stepped back as he climbed carefully through the window. Suddenly I became self conscious that I was only wearing my night gown.

"I know we just met, but for some reason I just couldn't stop thinking about you." he said, cheeks dusted pink.

"And I, you." I smiled.

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