Denki x reader

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No one's POV:

Today was your first day at UA.

When you walked into your new classroom, class 1-a, the first thing you noticed was a boy with blonde hair in the corner of the room, trying to see how many pencils he could fit up his nostrils.

You stopped in your tracks, staring as a boy with black hair, a girl with pink hair and a boy with red hair cheered him on as he stuffed the seventh pencil up his nose.

Not exactly what you imagined being in the hero course would be like, but little did you know that stranger things were yet to come...


When you walked into the classroom the next morning, you noticed that the boy from yesterday wasn't doing anything stupid, so you decided to go introduce yourself.

You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

He turned around and looked up at you. His eyes widened slightly as he smiled and said:

"Why, hello."

"Um, hi!" you said, wondering whether this had been a good idea after all. "I just wanted to introduce myself since I didn't get the chance to yesterday. I'm Y/N L/N!"

The boy smiled and said flirtatiously:

"I'm Denki Kaminari, but you can just call me 'baby'."

You snorted and looked away.

"Smooth. Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm going to... leave now."

"Wait, here's my num-"

Kaminari was cut off by a smack to the head from the girl with pink hair.

"So sorry about him!" she smiled "I'm Mina!"

"Y/N." you introduced. "Nice to meet you."

"Same!" she said "Don't worry about him, he flirts with all the cute girls... except me. Anyway, what's your quirk?"

"It must be something heat related, because you're hot." smirked Kaminari, before Mina silenced him again.

"Water manipulation." you said quietly, feeling your face heat up in spite of yourself.

"Cool! That's like a mix between Todoroki's two quirks!" said Mina.

The two of you chatted for a while, Kaminari occasionally jumping in with some random pick up line.

You went to sit in your own seat when the teacher entered, waving goodbye to your new friend and... acquaintance.

As the lesson began, you couldn't help but think about the things Kaminari had said and wondered if he had really meant them.


"Hey, girl!"

"Hi, Mina!" you greeted the next morning at school "Did you do the English homework?"

"What English homework??"

You sighed and reminded her about the assignment Present Mic had given you the day before.

"Nope, I totally forgot."

"Of course you did. Just tell Present Mic that your capybara ate it or something." you laughed, knowing Present Mic would accept any excuse as long as it wasn't logical.

"How did you know about Barbara!?" panicked Mina.

"Wait what!?"

"Nothing." she said hastily.

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