Todoroki x reader (Arranged Marriage)

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Imagine being forced to marry your childhood friend, who you haven't spoken to in years, because you have a powerful quirk.

Well, now you don't have to, cuz this simp wrote it down for you!

Part 1/2


Your POV:

"She'll finally be out of our hair!"

"Isn't eighteen a little young to get married?"

"Who cares!? It's the number one hero's son! You saw how powerful he was during the UA sports festival!"

"I suppose you're right..."

"Honestly I'm surprised he even wanted Y/N. Good for nothing brat..."

"Yeah, she didn't deserve such a powerful quirk in the first place."

"So it's decided?"

"We'll send her over in the morning."

A tear rolled down my cheek and I covered my mouth with my hand in horror as I listened to my parent's muffled conversation from behind the door.

They had never really shown me any love or care but selling me off to get married to someone because of my quirk?

That was something no parent should ever do to their child.

I jumped as the door slammed open and my parents walked out.

"Pack your things. You're in an arranged quirk marriage with Endeavor's son. You leave in the morning." sneered my mother, shoving past me.

My quirk was that I could control the weather. I could make little tornadoes, storm clouds, lightning and that kind of stuff.

I suppose Endeavour wanted grandkids that could control the elements or something.

Grudgingly, I obeyed my mother.

My heart was heavy as I packed my few belongings. Not that I was sorry to get away from my neglectful parents, but I didn't want to marry someone I had no romantic interest in.

At least I wasn't getting married to a complete stranger- me and Todoroki had been together since first grade...

"Shoto! Shoto! Look what I can do!" I exclaimed happily, running up to my friend.

A tiny grey cloud appeared above me and little snowflakes started to fall from it. I twirled under the snow, catching one on my tongue.

"That's pretty cool! Look at this!"

Shoto held out his hands. A small flame burned in one of them and the other covered itself in frost.

"Wow, that's amazing! It must be so cool to have two quirks!"

"Yeah, I guess..."


I stood in front of the Todoroki's house, anxiously waiting for Endeavor and Todoroki to emerge.

My parents stood behind me, impatiently waiting to get rid of me. Most parents would have been proud that their daughter had been noticed by the number one hero but not mine.

Actually, most parents wouldn't arrange their kids into a marriage they didn't want to be in in the first place.

Endeavor finally emerged from his house, followed by his very reluctant son.

"Ah, Endeavor! Thank you for doing this! We're so glad that our daughter finally has the chance to do something useful!" said my mother in a sweetly fake tone.

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