Hawks x Reader

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Reader's quirk: Dragon- you have the wings and tail of a dragon and retractable claws and fangs. (Kinda like that one pro hero that was at Eri's rescue idk her name)

TW: mentions of suicide


Your POV

I walked out of my apartment and down the hall, humming my favourite tune. Life was busy as a pro hero and today was one of my rare off days. I decided that there was no better way to spend my morning than a peaceful flight across the city.

I walked up the stairs to the roof, stretching my leathery (f/c) dragon wings.

I opened the door and was met with a pleasant breeze and fresh air. I breathed deeply as I walked calmly to the edge of the roof.

I prepared myself like I had many times before and jumped off the edge of the tall building.


Hawks' POV

I sighed as I started my morning patrol. It was too early for this.

I flew through the streets on my big red wings, looking for trouble makers. Everything seemed calm this early in the morning.

So far, there hadn't been any thefts today. Maybe I could take a break at that restaurant down the road and get some chicken wings.


I walked out of the restaurant, a spicy chicken wing in my hand.

I took a bite and sighed in content as the delicious flavours hit my tongue.

I took to the air again and resumed my patrol, munching on my snack as I did so. I was getting ready to turn back and rewind after a very boring morning when something caught my eye.

There was a figure standing at the edge of the top of a very tall building. I watched as they seemed to prepare themselves before jumping off.

I dropped my chicken in my rush to reach the falling person before they hit the ground.

I flew as fast as I could towards them and managed to catch them before they fatally hit the concrete of the sidewalk below.

I looked down to the woman I was holding in my arms. She had beautiful (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Currently she was struggling to get out of my arms.

They normally did that. I had stopped several people from committing and they always struggled at first but usually ended up getting help.

Usually they were crying but that was not the case today- the lady in my arms was fighting but definitely not crying. On the contrary, she was... yelling angrily at me?


Your POV

I jumped off the edge, enjoying the sensation of the cool air rushing around me.

The feeling of rapidly falling from a great hight was exilerating. I closed my eyes and spread my arms out. Just before I could spread my wings and begin my morning flight, I was swept up into someone's arms.

I opened my eyes to see the number two hero, Hawks, looking down at me.

To say I was annoyed was an understatement. He had just ruined my morning off!

I imidiatly started to squirm out out of his grasp, but his arms stayed firmly around me. Why wouldn't he let me go? Why pick me up in the first place!?

I started to yell at him, but he completely ignored me and kept flying me to the ground.

"Let me go! What are you doing!? Hawks, let me go or I will kick you in the-"

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