Monoma x reader

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Ok, so let me explain how this one works bc it's different from my other oneshots: in this one there are two alternative endings. You have to chose how you want this oneshot to end. If you choose ending 1- you keep reading, but skip the end. If you choose two, you skip a few paragraphs until you get to the beginning of ending two. Enjoy!


No one's POV:

"Neito!" you yelled, growing more frustrated by the second. Knowing him, he was probably off bothering class 1-a. He had a... strong personality, so it was up to you, his girlfriend, to keep him in check.

"... are trash! 1-b is obviously so much stronger than you, it's a wonder they haven't expelled you all already!"

Yep, that was him.

You quickly went over to where his loud voice was coming from, sure enough, in front of class 1-a's door.

"Neito! What do you think you're doing?" you asked sternly, coming up behind him.

He flinched at the sound of your harsh voice as he turned around to face you.

"Y-yes, Y/N, dear?" he said nervously.

"I told you to stop bothering class 1-a! You are NOT better than them." you sighed.

"Yes, Y/N." he relented.

"So sorry, about him!" you smiled to class 1-a, waving goodbye to the slightly confused students. You grabbed Neito by the arm and dragged him back to your own classroom.

"I told you to stop harassing those poor students!" you practically yelled at him "You know as well as I do that half of them could kick your butt if they wanted to!"

Neito flinched as you scolded him. This had become an almost daily thing for you two.

"Neito, seriously, this has to stop. If you can't stop being such a jerk to those students, then we're over." you said, crossing your arms.

Neito's grey eyes widened as he nodded fearfully. You had never threatened to break up with him before.

"Glad we're on the same page." you said, a little softer. You grabbed his hand and pulled him along the hall before you were late to class.


Your words echoed in Neito's mind the next day as he walked down the halls on his way to lunch. You were waiting for him in the cafeteria already.

He quickened his pace, and didn't notice as his shoulder grazed that of a different student's.

"Apologies." he murmured, continuing on his way, not even looking up to see whom he had bumped.

"Oi, it's that *bleep* from 1-b! You're the one who thinks you're so much better than us!!!"

He looked up to see Bakugo, the famous class 1-a hothead. Neito knew for a fact that Bakugo was stronger than him, because Bakugo placed first in the UA sports festival.

Multiple snappy retorts swam through his head, but he held them all back, remembering what you had said.

"Are you ignoring me!!!" shouted Bakugo angrily.

"Yes." Neito answered simply, before turning around and walking towards the cafeteria again.

He did it! He hadn't said anything mean to a student from class 1-a even when he was being provoked!

"Oi, where do you think you're going!?" yelled Bakugo.

"The cafeteria..." Neito couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes. "Because it's lunch break..."

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