Denki x reader

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For all my fellow lonely peoples/third wheels😔  Here, have a croissánt 🥐👌👌👌✨✨

Also, there's some Tsuyu 🐸x Tokoyami🐔 in here, so if you don't ship it, please keep scrolling<3 or keep reading. Whatever u want 😎


No one's POV:

"Y/N-chan, can I talk to you for a second, kero (🇯🇵 ribbit)?" Tsu asked you after school one day.

She was one of your best friends, so of course you agreed. Wondering what was wrong, you followed her out of the school and to a bench in the yard.

The two of you sat town and Tsu started to fidget nervously with the hem of her shirt.

"Is something wrong?" you asked, concern evident in your voice.

"No." assured Tsu.

Her cheeks turned pink as she said:

"Quite the opposite actually."

"Well, are you gonna tell me or do I have to guess?" you asked impatiently as she looked around to make sure noone was listening in.

"Tokoyami-kun asked me out, kero!" she said quietly but excitedly.

"Tokoyami, as in your crush Tokoyami!?" you exclaimed loudly, causing a few passing second years to glance at you.

"Please be quiet, Y/N-chan!" said Tsu "But yes. I'm so happy, but..."

"But what?" you asked.

"I... don't know what I should wear for the date..." she admitted.

"Well, you've come to the right person." you said, patting her shoulder.

Truth be told, it probably would have been better if Tsu had gone to someone like Mina for advice and not someone with no love experience whatsoever, but you were her best friend and you were going to try your best to help Tsu look absolutely stunning for her date.

"When exactly is this date?" you asked her.

"Tonight." she croaked.

"Tonight!? Come on then, there's no time to waste!"

You grabbed Tsu by the hand and the two of you walked to the nearest shopping mall to pick out a cute outfit.


Denki's POV:

"Wait, so let me get this straight." I said as Tokoyami rolled his eyes "You asked out Tsu and now you're coming to me because you don't know what you should wear or do?"

"I'm starting to think I shouldn't have." sighed Tokoyami.

"No, no, no, no, no, you made the right choice, my friend!" I assured him, putting my arm over his shoulder "If it wasn't obvious, I am, what they call, a 'ladies' man'. I am an expert on these kinds of things, trust me!"

"But you're sing-"

"Hush, dear Tokoyami." I interrupted "Do you want me to help you or not?"

"This is not a mad banquet of darkness." grumbled the bird-headed boy.

"I'll take that as a yes!" I smiled "Now let's go to my house so I can help you get ready and educate you on the delicate art of dating."

"Something you have no experience in." muttered Tokoyami under his breath, but I ignored him and started dragging him in the direction of my house.


No one's POV:

"I think we should stick to green and yellow because they match your vibe." you said thoughtfully.

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