(9) Unnamed (2) (notes) (CH)

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2020 written China x Russia x America that all know about the states.


America smiled at his two boyfriends, China and Russia, who were holding his hands and holding hands behind him. They were at a flea market, as they enjoyed finding old historical stuff from their histories.

"If we had a time machine, what time would you go back to? I don't have much for myself so probably 1991, right when father fell." Russia said.

"Ame's got the longest history. I've only got back to 1927 to choose from so probably when Mao declared me an official Republic." China replied.

"Funny, we all basically chose the same thing. The Revolution. Although, my Civil War would also be a good time to go back to, strangely enough." America replied.

"Heh, I guess we all did choose the same." China said.

Russia nodded. The trio saw a stand where a Confederate battle flag, Betsy Ross Flag, Grand Old Union Flag, and the United States of America 1859-1861 flag hung. America could feel that they were authentic. America let go of his boyfriends' hands and ran over there. China and Russia let go of their hands and followed. America was already taking down the flags.

"They're being sold for five dollars!" America exclaimed, checking the price tags.

"Seriously? They're worth much more than that." China said.

"That's plain stupid." Russia said.

"Agreed, both of you." America said, eyeing a box that seemed to have American uniforms in them. He carefully handed the flags to Russia and walked over to the box.

He went through the box and found a uniform from the Revolution, multiple uniforms from both sides of the civil war, a uniform from each of the world wars, a Vietnam War uniform, a Korean War uniform, and a Desert Battle Dress Uniform. They all seemed to be in good condition, considering their age. They were 150 dollars all together. Suddenly, America spotted a third box, and a fourth one, and a fifth one. He handed the box to China and continued looking around when the stall owner came to talk to China and Russia.

"So are you two interested in American history? I'm noticing you're holding a lot of stuff related to it." The man asked.

"No, we're just holding stuff for our boyfriend." Russia said, using his free arm to point to America.

"I'm more interested in Chinese history, and he's more interested in Russian history." China explained.

The man nodded, "Are you guys from those countries? I'm sorry, you just don't sound like you're from the States."

"Yeah." China clarified, "I moved to America from China 8 years ago."

"I moved from Russia about 10 years ago." Russia said, "We all have well-paying jobs so we try to visit both countries whenever possible."

The man nodded as America carried another box over.

"Hello!" America said, "Is it okay if I buy you out? Everything is in really good condition. I'll pay 100,000 dollars."

"It's not worth that much!" The man exclaimed.

"Of course it is! You have everything way underpriced! In fact, it's probably worth more than what I offered." America said.

"I can't take that much for it! The only things here that are actually mine are the things from the Gulf War! Everything else belonged to my parents, grandparents, and ancestors! I just don't have the room for it anymore." The man said.

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