(20) PNG Finds Out About The States (notes) (CH)

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2021 into 2022 i believe. sovame bc of course.

"Australia, where have you been? It's been weeks!" Papua New Guinea exclaimed, coming into Australia's home.

"Sorry Guin, I've been busy." Australia replied, sighing, "Who's babysitting Bougainville?"

"I know it takes more than you being busy for you to avoid me." Papua New Guinea said, "Uruguay and Timor."

"For the first bit my brother, America, not Zee, and I had some business to attend to. America needed some people to watch his pets for the second bit since he had other business to attend to where he couldn't be at home." Australia explained, nodding.

"But couldn't Canada & Soviet just watch them?" Papua New Guinea asked.

"Soviet always goes with Ame, plus I'm the only one who can control his alligator besides him." Australia explained.

Just then, Australia's phone rang. She accepted the call.

"Hey, Aussie, have you seen Los Angeles anywhere around by chance?" America spoke through the phone.

"No, did she escape?" Australia asked.

"Precisely. We've looked all around the property and she's not anywhere." America replied.

"I'll come help you look for her." Australia sighed.

"You don't have to!" America said, noticing Australia's sigh.

"No, no. You're my brother and yeah. Do you mind if I bring a friend along?" Australia asked.

"No, go ahead. Who is it?" America asked in response, understanding the meaning of the yeah.

"Papua New Guinea, he was actually interrogating me on why we didn't get a chance to talk in a hot minute." Australia replied.

"Alright. Meet us at Mom's shop." America smiled, "See ya soon!"

"See ya!" Australia replied as America hung up.

"What was that about?" Papua asked.

"One of my brother's bears escaped. She could be anywhere." Australia replied, "We're going bear hunting!"

The duo got into Australia's green truck, which was parked outside of Papua New Guinea's place, and drove to Le Bijou, a jewelry shop owned by France.

"I didn't know your brother had bears or an alligator." Papua said.

"Heh, you know him, he's pretty private about his life." Australia smiled.

Papua New Guinea looked at Australia suspiciously, who only shrugged her shoulders.

"So, beyond the Alligator and Bear, what other pets does your brother have?" Papua New Guinea asked, curious.

"What if I told you he had a second and third bear. And I'm sure you've met President and Liberty." Australia started, "And the bear species is extinct on Earth."

"President's the dog and Liberty's the eagle, right?" Papua New Guinea questioned, "How'd he manage to get an extinct species?"

"He's like best friends with Vison, so Vison simply allowed them to stay around." Australia explained, "And yeah, President's a dog and Liberty's one of his many eagles."

"Something tells me we're not even close to listing them all..." Papua New Guinea spoke, "And he has more than one eagle?"

"You would be right." Australia smiled, "And yeah. I don't even know how many eagles he owns at this point. He also has a whale."

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