Chapter 1

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Spirit Diallos

As you can see this criminal has been on the move for six months now, moving state to state. If you have any information on Spirit Diallos please call your local police. She is said to be armed and dangerous.

I laughed to myself as they talked about me on the news. When I turned 19, I started to look for Elijah. After I found out where that bitch stayed I went up there and found his little wife and kids. So I killed them as a warning for him. After that, the cops were on my ass so I left.

My grandma told me the full story of what happened and it finally bought me to tears. She was explaining how my father kept me at her house because of all the shit that was going on with them.

But what really killed me is that the day they died was the day before we were suppose to get out of D.C, that broke my heart. I'm in Miami now living a lowkey life.

I walk these streets with caution cause one slip up will have me doing twenty to life. For right now I live in a motel, living off the half a million dollars my father had left me.

I heard a knock at the door and I looked at the door and froze.

"Who is it?" I harshly yelled.

There was no answer so I went over to my suitcase and grabbed a pistol out of it.

I walked over to the door with caution and covered the peep hole but left some space to look out. I looked and saw nobody standing there.

Who ever this is needs to stop fuckin' playing. I grabbed the doorknob, hesitantly turned it then swung the door open really fast. I looked around and saw nobody around.

As I closed the door I realized a note on it. "What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. I grabbed it and walked back in my room. I went over to my bed and started to read it.

You a funny muthafucka. If you think you boutta find me, you got another thing coming. Don't end up like your father, little bitch. Oh and don't you forget I got men from all over watching you. Have a nice day babygirl.

My blood started to boil. I crumpled up the paper and threw it at the wall. This nigga is crazy but I'm crazier, cuz of the anger in my body from years of hate towards him.

As for his men, I got something for them. They put no fear in my heart, nobody does. I heard my phone ring on the dresser next to me.

I picked up the phone and saw it was my grandma. "Hello?" I said answering.

"Hey baby. How are you?" She asked with excitement in her voice.

I love hearing her voice cuz she's the only person that sounds happy to hear me.

"I've been better." I said and she giggled. "That's good baby. You know I miss you." She said and I sighed.

"I miss you too, grandma." I sadly said. I miss seeing her on a regular.

Last time I saw her face to face was two years ago. We do FaceTime and stuff but it's nothing like being in front of her. "When are you coming to see me?" She asked.

"Soon. I promise." I said, I heard her sigh. "Ok baby. I'm not gonna hold you up but be safe." She said. "Ok. Be safe." I said then hung the phone. I twisted my lips thinking about her.

Everytime I get off the phone with my grandma I could feel my heart sink. She is so important to me that I don't know what I'll do if I lose her.

I heard a frantic knock on my door. My heart jumped up to my throat and I got up and put my bag on the bed.

"Spirit! It's me!" I heard my friend Chantell yell through the door.

I did a sigh of relief and walked over to the door. I opened it but before I could say anything she pushed me back and closed the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, bangin' on the door like the fuckin' police?!" I asked, yelling at her.

"We gotta get the fuck outta here. I heard some cops downtown talkin' about you. They know your here." She said while rushing over to the dresser. Damn.

I started to pack my bag then I heard a knock on the door. "House keeping." I heard a woman say. I hesitated but then I opened the door and saw the cleaning woman.

"Clean towels?" She asked and I looked at her.

I grabbed the towels and gave her a fifty dollar bill. She stuffed the money in her bra and walked away. I closed the door and started to pack my stuff again.

"You ready?" I heard Chantell ask.

I zipped up my bag and nodded. I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on. We walked out and went down to our truck. I opened the trunk and threw my bag in.

"I'll drive." Chantell said while walking to the drivers side.

I went over to the passengers side and got in. I could hear sirens in the distance so I got more anxious. "Pull off. Pull off now! Now!" I yelled as I heard them get closer.

We pulled off the parking lot and onto the main street. When we got to the stop light the police sped right past us.

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