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The moving van finally came to a spot outside of the small brick house they would now call home. Eijiro sat in the driver seat as both his moms were asleep in the back. He smiled looking at them in the mirror as they cuddled with each other. It was an twelve-and-a-half-hour car ride. The alpha of the small pack, Kyo had driven the first five hours and then his omega mother, Ura had drove the next five hours and Eijiro finished with the last two and a half. Everyone was exhausted as they had been on the move sense five that morning.

Stepping out of the car Eijiro stretched his log arms above his head and let out a loud yawn, finally happy to be able to get out of the car. The back door opened and he turned to see Kyo trying to untangle herself from the body of her mate. Her messy black hair tied into a lose bun and her orange eyes were being wiped clean of sleep.

"We finally made it." Her smile was tired as she looked at the red brick house.

"I just now got us here." Eijiro slimed proudly at his mother, "I saw the moving truck was about an hour away through the tracking they gave us."

"You did good son." Her sharp tooth smile showed. Before Eijiro could say any more his stomach growled loudly making his mother laugh a little. "Why don't we find somewhere to eat."

"We just got here we can worry about food later." He smiled at her rubbing at his red dyed hair.

"Oh we can handle another little trip," She ushered him back in the car but to the passenger side this time, "It's your birthday anyway."

"Mom, you don't have to keep reminding me." Eijiro blushed lightly as he sat in the passenger seat.

"Now find somewhere to eat you know it's tradition." She smiled.

"I saw a pretty good-looking sushi place on the way here." He responded.

"Sounds great." She started the car with Eijiro pointing out the way to the restaurant. Once they made it Eijiro looked in the back seat seeing his other mom waking up.

"Have we made it?" She asked with a yawn.

"We stopped to eat birthday dinner." Kyo smiled turning to look at her mate.

"Hungry?" Eijiro turned to look at her. He smiled his sharp smile he got from Kyo at Ura and small tears came to her eyes. "Mom don't cry! It's just sushi!" Eijiro instantly worried about his mother.

"It's just my baby is all grown up," she wiped away a tear, "I swear it was just yesterday you first learned to walk." A strand of her brown hair fell in front of her bright red eyes. "You shouldn't be allowed to be eighteen yet."

"Mom I can't stay a baby forever." Eijiro smiled softly at her.

"It's a lie," Kyo jumped in, "You'll always be our baby."

"Can we go eat now?" Eijiro's stomach growled again reminding him that he was hungry.

"Yes let's eat." Ura smiled getting out of the car. Eijiro followed her lead as Kyo turned off the van.

"You know I never understood where your height came from." Kyo remarked as they all stepped out.

His 6'2 frame towered over both of his parents with Kyo standing at 5'6 and Ura at 5'2. "Maybe a long-lost growth spurt." Eijiro chuckled.

The small family laughed as they walked into the restaurant to have a good dinner at their new home. They spent the time laughing and having fun as they waited for the moving truck to get to them. After eating the three made their way back to the new house and luckily for them the moving truck had pulled up seconds after them. The three went to work helping the two movers at unloading everything and getting it inside. Of course, Eijiro helping move the bigger items, refusing to let his mothers to help because he didn't want them to be hurt.

"Thank you!" Ura yelled with a big wave as the truck headed out of the driveway.

"Come on time for the hard part." Kyo grabbed her mate by the hand, "Time to unpack everything. Ei is up in his room working on his things."

Up in his room Eijiro was going through his mess of boxes slowly unpacking. Putting his shirts in the closet and the rest in the dresser. "You go here." He would mumble to himself as he unpacked his collectables and put them back in their spot on his bookshelf. "And you can go on this wall." He hung up his posters. "I'll set you up over here." His punching bag was sat over in the corner. He made his bed with his signature shark bedding; he has been obsessed with the animals' sense he was just a child. Making sure to carefully place his old shark plush on his bed that his parents had gotten him when he was a child.

"Now time for you." He looked at a cardboard box that said nest items on it. He had purposely left a decent spot open in his room so he could build his nest back up. He was an unusually tall omega, so he needed a big area to spend during his heats. A perk with the new home was that all the rooms were bigger than they was at his old home making it more comfortable to place all his things. At the old home he would have to move his punching bag and rebuild the nest before his heats and then tear it back down to use the bag but with his new room he can have both and still have more room for him.

He pulled out the old blanket and laid it flat along the floor and then started to pull out all his comfort items from the box and place them in an orderly way along the blanket. He grabbed his sheet and started hanging it up on the walls making shifting it into a roof for the nest. He pulled out another shark plush that his parents had gotten for his last birthday and gave it a soft smell, noticing the smell of his pack was very faint. It made him shiver at the fact it wasn't there and he quickly had to fix that. He grabbed the gray hammer head shark plush and held it tightly as he stood and walked out of his room.

"Moms'!" He called out into the home earning a response of them being in the kitchen. He made his way into the kitchen finding both of them putting up the kitchen items. "Can yow two re scent?" he held out the plush like a crying child would making Ura awe at her son happily taking the plush. She happily re-scent it and then handed it to Kyo, her doing the same.

"Maybe you can find more people to accept into the pack here." Ura said hopefully as the plush gets handed back to the boy.

"Why would I need more?" Eijiro ask with a smile, "I have the perfect pack right here. It's small yes. Maybe a little broken as well, but it's home."

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