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One hand gripped onto the hardened member the pointed outwards as Eijiro's head spun in circles. There was many things happening that just couldn't find something to ground him on. All the alcohol that ran through his veins, the gentle but rough touch of someone else, and he couldn't dare forget about all the new smells that flowed into his nose. Not once has he ever been in a room and could smell as many people as he could this night.

He felt himself start to slip as his head started to hurt some due to everything around him and he couldn't help himself but throw into a small panic. His chest started to rise and fall rapid as his breath became uneven. A gentle pair of lips is what brought him back. The same lips who were manhandling him not moments ago.

"Are you still with me?" The voice no longer held a smirk as the man calmed down. A whimper was all Eijiro could force between his lips.

Just like that, the touches went from rough and needy to soft and gentle. The man no longer running to get to the end goal but it seemed like he slowed down to walking instead. His hand still gave pulls to Eijiro's cock but they weren't rushed any more. "Stay with me." Thoes same lips whispered again before coming back in contact with Eijiro's own.

The kiss was still as messy as it was before as both boys still had more then enough alcohol in them to where Eijiro was almost sure he would have a major hangover in the morning. The other hands no longer traveled his body out of desperation but now slid over like he was trying to memorize every grove Eijiro held on his body.

" 'm close." Eijiro slured through a lust filled voice.

"That's it baby boy," the man encouraged as he removed his hand to collect some slick before going back to jerking the omega, "Show me how good it feels."

Eijiro nodded as he gripped the other body tightly and brought his head down to lay on their shoulder. Quite pants and moans were shared in the others' ear as he felt his coil draw tightly in his core. He had gotten himself off throughout his own heats and everything but never once did he make himself feel this good. He felt as if he was floating on a cloud by the time the coil could finally snap. His gripped tightened as he finally felt himself come undone on the man.

Eijiro bucked his hips as ropes of cum left him and landed in the closed fist of the other's. Eijiro's breath ragged with need and booze as it fanned the others ear only seeming to make the other get more excited. He could feel the trapped dick push into his leg.

Eijiro reached down to try and relieve the man like what was done with him but a hand stopped him. He pulled back to watch as he liked his hand clean of the slick and cum. He hummed in approval.

"I'm gonna go get us some more drinks," He stumbled a little as he pulled Eijiro's pants back up on his hips and fastened them back into place, "Then we could head upstairs and find somewhere more private." The man placed a small kiss on Eijiro's chest before helping him sit down.

Eijiro still panting stayed sat down as his body worked off a high, but he didn't stay seated long. "Why the hell is your long ass under the stairs?" A huff of a voice groaned as he felt hand pull him up and out of the darkness.

Through his drunken daze he made out a purple mop of hair that made him smile. "Toshi!" He cheered.

"How drunk are you?" The man asked.

"I'm good how are you?" The omega slured.

"Oh good god." Hitoshi groaned as he tossed one of Eijiro's arms over his shoulder to basically drag him outta the house.

Denki soon met on his other side and tossed his other arm over his own shoulder, "Denks!" Eijiro cheered again.

"Come on big guy let's get home." Denki smiled up at him.

The two managed to get him in the car and then got in them selves. Eijiro rolled down the back window to let the wind brush his face as the headed through town and back to Denki's home. He hums as his eyes closed as he could still feel the hands on him from that guy. "Who was that guy that was with me?" He tried to speak the best he could.

"There was no one there but you," Denki turned to look at him, "But you definitely can tell someone was, you smell like sex. With all the scents that floated around it's hard to pin point exactly who it was." He knew his explanation wasn't going to reach the drunk mind.

Eijiro couldn't help but wonder if he would ever see the owner of that red cape again.


"Don't ever, ever, ever let me drink again." Eijiro moaned out when he woke up the next morning. His head pounding and his body filled with the need to get sick.

"Come on big guy." Denki laughed as he held a glass of water with some pain killers, "You gotta drink up if you want to feel better."

Eijiro groaned sitting up from the couch, it was the farthest the two could get him into the home, and the outer space themed blanket slid down to reveal his naked chest. "Man you did do some things last night!" Denki squealed pointing at his exposed chest.

Looking down he noticed the his nipple was still swollen and puffed, a little red still as well, from his little adventuring last night with the stranger. Eijiro moved fast to cover up the sensitive nipple. "When did this happen?" His face gone fully red of embarrassment.

"Last night after we found you, you was talking about someone being with you," Denki told the tale, "You smelled of need to the point we had to have the windows down on the ride home. It wasn't until all your sweat dried up the smell went away."

"I don't remember any of that." Eijiro tried to remember but everything seemed to much of a blur, "I didn't do it did I?"

"I mean we found you fully clothed. We didn't take your shirt off till we got home to help your body cool off." Denki tried to reassure the panicking omega.

Suddenly some words danced through his head. You have the needest fucking moan to match with this teasing body of yours. Words spoke by a voice he couldn't place the owner of.

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