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It's now February, and both Eijiro and Katsuki have gotten closer over time. The two are now in an official relationship with each other. It took some convincing for Eijiro's moms to accept Katsuki after he forced Eijiro into heat, but they eventually got everything sorted out. Katsuki's family, on the other hand, took Eijiro in with open arms. They were happy that Katsuki had finally found someone again.

With Eijiro not having much time left on his senior year, he buckled down on his studies. Katsuki more the welcoming to help him, but Katsuki's version of tutoring mainly landed with a rold up newspaper against the red head. Eijiro did end up packing with the others as well. Everything seemed to go perfectly fine. That is until the new student came to school.


"Have you heard yet?" Denki ran up to Eijiro after getting out of school for the day.

"Heard what?" Eijiro asked.

"There is a new kid that started today." The two climbed into Eijiro's truck.

"Another one?" Eijiro laughed a little as he started the vehicle, "I don't think this town can hold much more people."

"From what I've heard. Everyone says he is hot as hell." He sure his sassy rich girl voice on the last comment, "I doubt he has anything on my Hitoshi, though."

"Are you wanting dropped off at yours or what?" Eijiro laughed again at his friends comment.

"Yea, Toshi is supposed to be coming to pick me up for date night." He bounced in his seat.

As they were pulling from the parking lot, Eijiro noticed a guy leaning up against a fancy yellow sports car. Three girls circled him, so Eijiro couldn't get a clear look at the guy. But what he did see reminded him of things he didn't want to remember.

He shrugged it off before taking the turn onto the road. Denki talked about nonsense in the passenger seat the whole way to his house, and once he was dropped off, Eijiro was left to his own thoughts.

But it didn't last long, as when he got home, a certain Alphs's car sat in his driveway. His stomach erupted into butterflies, and he was now more excited to park and get inside. When he walked inside, the home was oddly quiet. He found it strange but decided to seek out the one he looked for, and eventually, he was found.

Wore out for his night shift, the alpha was found asleep on Eijiro's bed; cuddled up to the shark plush that housed there. The omega took the opportunity to pull out his phone and take a picture or two of him before deciding to join him. Eijiro stripped from his pants and shirt, leaving him in just his boxers.

Katsuki knew that Eijiro would start his heat soon, and he wanted to spend as much time as he could with him, not knowing if he wanted to share his heat or not. So, instead of going home after work like he usually would, he decided that Eijiro's home was better.

"How was school." Katsuki whispered in his sleep once Eijiro got situated under the covers.

"It was good." He tossed Katsuki's arm over himself. Eijiro's buried his face into the bare chest of the alpha before taking in a deep breath. The smell of campfire and ash filled his nose. Katsuki gripped around the omega,pulling him in as tightly as he could.

"Denks go home?" Katsuki asked, never opening his eyes.

"Yeah,"Eijiro broke away from the body to answer, "He and Toshi had something going on tonight."

"Good." Katsuki moves his head to the omega neck, "Got you to myself." He smiled into the neck, and the omega giggled.

"Kat, you need sleep." Eijiro protests woth a smile, "You have work tonight."

"I'll sleep later." He lightly bit down on the skin.

Instantly, Eijiro's breathing became rugged as he held tightly to Katsuki's sides. Katsuki reached down and grabbed the pumps ass, pulling their clothed dicks to meet. Katsuki has been horny basically sense he got off work, but sense he decided to come to Eijiro's home he wanted to wait on the other to arrive.

Eijiro moaned lightly in his ear when the two touched. Eijiro looked at the alpha only to find bright golden eyes looking back at him. Eijiro roughly connected their lips together in a firey kiss. The omega was rolled over onto his back with Katsuki sitting above him.

"Get rid of these." Katsuki growled, fighting to boxers off the other. Once they were finally gone, Katsuki didn't waist anytime, getting to work prepping the omega.

One hand worked his cock while the other rubbed at his ass. Eijiro is nothing more than a moaning mess under him. Katsuki was able to push a finger in pretty quickly due to the slick that was produced. "Please," Eijiro pleaded with him, "Please hurry."

"Oh, you want it now?" Katsuki teased him by circling another finger on the rim.

"Please." Eijiro tried to move his hips on the hand.

Katsuki quickly let go of his dick and placed a hand in the middle of his V-line. "Trying to rush things as always," He retracted his hand from the ass as well, "being a spoiled little brat sense I've shown you what it can feel like." He hissed, slapping his own dick on top of the omegas. "So fucking cock hungry that you don't know what to do any more with out," He ramed inside hard, "Being full."

Eijiro cried out as he searched for anything to grab hold of, it ended up being the pillow Katsuki got him for Christmas. With every thrust, Eijiro moaned out louder than the past.

"Fuck!" Katsuki hissed as he trusted in again, "Always so fucking tight."

"Alpha," Eijiro called out which only made Katsuki pick up the speed.

"Yea, you tell everyone," Another rough thrust, "Who makes you feel this good." Pants came from the omega as the alpha didn't slow his already fast pace. "Such a pretty boy."

"Y-Yours." Eijiro moaned out.

"Your what?" Katsuki asked, slamming their hip together again.

"Your," Eijiro picked back up through the gasp, "Pretty boy."

"That's right, sweet heart," Katsuki leaned forward and kissed at his collarbone, "My omega." He then bit down.

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