Little bit of info on Nick's older brother Travis

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Travis grew up next to his younger brother Nick burkhardt, him and Nick grew up in a loving home with their parents Kelly and Reed Burkhardt

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Travis grew up next to his younger brother Nick burkhardt, him and Nick grew up in a loving home with their parents Kelly and Reed Burkhardt.

Travis and Nick, had no idea about their Grimm heritage, nor about the weson that were in this world.

Travis struggled with making friends and getting bullied, when he was younger.

He got sent home from school a few different times with a black eye, a broken nose, or something like that from getting bullied, til one day he came home, early from school to find out that his parents were leaving.

Travis was both sad and upset about his parents leaving him, and his younger Nick who was only twelve at the time while he was seventeen. Because he didn't understand what was going on, or why they had to leave him and Nick alone.

Travis tried to get his parents to take him with them that night, but his mother told him that he couldn't go with them because it wasn't safe. But of course, his mother knew that she couldn't stop him so she let him help her escape after the accident.

Which left Travis sad and hurt over his fathers death, crying he went to his aunt Marie's house to help look after his baby brother,

Travis stayed at his aunt Marie's house, with his younger brother not wanting to leave him alone, with their dad now gone and their mother in hiding/on the run.

He helped his aunt take care of his younger brother and got a job, as a bartender for awhile til him and Nick studied to become detectives and to help people, which brought the two brothers closer together, til Travis decided to go and work at a library instead. Since they only had each other, Travis didn't go to far away from his brother. But once they moved out of staying with their aunt, both of them kinda parted ways but still kept in touch with one another.

Travis secretly kept their mother being alive to himself because she asked him to, but he secretly sought out their mom from time to time to see her, at random places to meet.

How he found out he was a Grimm: He was out late one night in the pouring rain in his human form, with a hood over his head out for a walk. When he saw a weson for the first time, which freaked him out a little bit but it made him confused more then anything when the person ran from him from they were terrified of him.

When did he find out: he was heading towards turning 29 when he had found out, about being able to see weson. Of course, he secretly had called his mom and she had told him that him, and Nick both were born Grimm's apart from him being part werewolf (which has yet to be explained.)

When did he find out that he was a werewolf: after his eighteen birthday, it was a full moon the night after and he shifted for the first time in front of his aunt Marie and brother Nick.

How he found out: he started to feel sweaty, moody, angry and like every bone in his body ached.

How dangerous he is for both a Grimm and werewolf: Travis is pretty dangerous, the royals fear him so much that they gave him the name Monstrous Grimm Wolf, because of how much they fear him. The weson counsel, think highly of him and Nick, especially since they don't hurt or kill good weson but instead they punish the bad ones that hurt and kill people.

The royals mainly fear Travis because of the monstrous wolf he can turn into that doesn't really look human like, nor look like himself at all, once he transformed into his wolf side.

Nick burkhardts older brother Travis BurkhardtWhere stories live. Discover now