Chapter 1. What do you call hunting a Grimm Wolf?

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It was a rainy night in Portland, the streets were kinda dead and not really anyone was around at that time of night. Accept for a werewolf just trying to get home to his family, whom were waiting for him to get home since it was late at night and raining pretty heavily.

The wolf stood there trying to call for a cab, before feeling someone grab him and grab him back into a alley way. He brought out his claws and tried to hurt them, before feeling himself being knocked unconscious and being dragged to a old warehouse.

A group of vampires had taken the wolf hostage and wanted to get information from him, about a certain wolf whom was in Portland and was also a Grimm. "Wake up." A vampire threw water on the wolf to wake him up, which made the wolf wake up and look at them. "Where am I? What's going on?" He asked the group of vampires.

"Your at a old warehouse, that you used to meet up with your old alpha at. I need to know who he is and where to find him." The vampire leader told him, waiting for his response. "I..I don't know." The vampire scoffed, before punching the wolf hard in the stomach making him cry out in pain. "Wrong answer. I know that you know who he is. Tell me and maybe, I'll spare your family. All I need is a name and place to find him." The vampire tried again.

The wolf didn't want anything to happen to his family, he thought about what to tell the vampire just as he felt a blade pierce his side making him scream out in pain, as his eyes changed to a golden color. "Alright I'll..I'll tell you. Please just don't hurt my family." He cried, as he fought back against the pain and now blood starting to leak out of his wound. "H-his n-name i-is Tr..Travis Bur-Burkhardt. H-he lives on his brothers street."

The vampire had heard that last name before, and immediately realized who to go after. "Burkhardt." The vampire said, flashing their vampire eyes.


Travis was on his way home from the library, he had been working a late shift and was now heading home at six in the morning. He was a little nervous, because he had a very important question to ask his girlfriend/mate of two years, which had been a very happy two years of joy and complete happiness.

He was listening to music and was tapping his hands on the wheel, waiting on traffic to pass through, so he could head home and see his lovely mate whom had stayed the night due to not wanting to go home, since Monroe had his girlfriend Rosalee ov...

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He was listening to music and was tapping his hands on the wheel, waiting on traffic to pass through, so he could head home and see his lovely mate whom had stayed the night due to not wanting to go home, since Monroe had his girlfriend Rosalee over for the night.

Travis soon turned down his street after the traffic had gotten a move on, he smiled to himself as he saw his house up ahead.

He soon pulled into the driveway and turned off the car, before getting out of the car after grabbing his belongings and turning off the car

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He soon pulled into the driveway and turned off the car, before getting out of the car after grabbing his belongings and turning off the car.

He closed his car door, before walking up the steps to the front door and unlocking it. Walking inside, he flipped the light switch on and looked around, seeing that the house was quiet and everything looked clean like it had been before he went to work.

Travis took off his soaked jacket and shoes, he looked towards the counter seeing a note, as he sat his things done in order to pick up the note to see what it read.

Travis took off his soaked jacket and shoes, he looked towards the counter seeing a note, as he sat his things done in order to pick up the note to see what it read

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"I know the house was clean when you left, but I wanted to try and help you out.
I know you have a late shift and won't be back til morning, but I just wanted you to be able to come home and get some rest, without having to worry about to much. I also spoke with my brother and he said, that he'd be willing to speak with you tomorrow about whatever you needed to talk to him about."

Travis smiled at the note, before heading off to his bedroom to get clean clothes, to get out of his soaked ones.

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