Chapter 10. Framed

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(I know this pic, isn't like a Grimm file but I tried my best to give a idea.)

"Your sure this is legit?" Nick asked Wu, who gave him a sad look

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"Your sure this is legit?" Nick asked Wu, who gave him a sad look. "That's what the test results said. I'm sorry Nick." Wu told him,  walking away leaving a upset Nick and a very confused Hank. "This doesn't make any sense. How did they get your brothers dna from a crime scene, that he wasn't even near or at? It doesn't make sense." Hank told Nick, closing the file tossing it on the desk.

"It doesn't, but we need to figure it out how my brothers dna got there. Before he ends up in the f.b.i's hands or worse." Nick said, not liking the fact that for now he had to go and arrest his brother, for a crime that he didn't commit.

Nick grabbed his jacket and immediately, went with Hank to head to his brothers place, before getting a call from Sean. "Did you know about this?" Nick asked Sean, before he could say anything first.

"No. I had found out just before you did, but you might want to hurry. There's a cop headed there now, it's not one of us." Sean told Nick, after just watching a cop leave that was acing really suspicious.

"Weson?" Nick asked Sean, wanting to know as he drove to his brothers house hoping that he got to his brother before this cop did. "I don't think it's weson, but it definitely is a creature that likes blood." Sean said, hoping that Nick got to his brother, before someone did and killed him or worse.

"Vampire." Nick said, before thanking Sean and hanging up to call Travis, hoping that he got there in time.


Travis was outside on the balcony, enjoying the air while talking on the phone with Shauna, as she went to go get the two of them lunch

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Travis was outside on the balcony, enjoying the air while talking on the phone with Shauna, as she went to go get the two of them lunch. He pulled back his phone, from his ear to look at it when he saw Nick calling. "Babe, I'll call you back. Nick's calling." Travis told his now fiancé, before hanging up and calling Nick back.

"Hi Nick. What's up?" He asked, looking down a bit before looking back up waiting for his brother to respond. "Hey. Were you at the crime scene?" He got a confused look, before looking away in thought. "No, why?" Travis asked his younger brother, not sure why he was asking him if he was at the crime scene or not. "There's a cop that left the precinct and is on their way to you now. Sean thinks their a vampire." Travis hadn't seen one of them in years, not since his early years as a werewolf, which was when he met his now fiancé.

" Travis hadn't seen one of them in years, not since his early years as a werewolf, which was when he met his now fiancé

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"That's impossible. I haven't seen one of them in years." Travis didn't know what exactly to say, as he stood there looking confused. "Not as impossible, as you being framed. Whoever is behind this, is after you. We have evidence, that points to you." Travis was at a loos for words with what his brother was telling him, before it dawned on him on that whoever was behind this would go after the last member, his mate. "I had nothing to do, with killing my pack. You know that. If their after me, then there's one thing to lure me to them." Travis told his brother.

"Shauna." Nick said, before speeding up to his brothers place. "You need to tell me, exactly why a vampire would be hunting you and the pack."

"He's right Travis. It's the only way we can help you, is if you tell us everything that happened from the beginning." Hank added, since the phone was on speaker.

Travis sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Alright, I'll tell you everything that happened, that day form the beginning but it's not my fault for what happened." Travis told his brother.


Travis and his pack, we're trying to find out what happened to some people who went missing. He had tracked their scents and had followed their tracks, but when he found them it was to late. "Vampires." A pack member said behind him, before hearing a scream coming from someone.

Which immediately caught Travis's attention, since it was his mates scream. "Shauna!" He said loudly, as he ran over to where the scream was heard. He saw his mate being choked by a vampire against a wall, unable to move as the vampire held her neck. "Let her go!" He shouted to the vampire, who looked at him tightening their grip making the her yelp in pain.

Travis let out a roar at the vampire, as his eyes turned red, as his fangs and claws came out. "I said let her go!" He shouted again this time with a growl, before running at the vampire and tackling it to the ground, making the two of them tussle for a bit.

Til Travis was thrown at something, making him get upset more then he already was........

Nick burkhardts older brother Travis BurkhardtWhere stories live. Discover now