The fight

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Continued flashback

Travis could feel his anger getting the better of after being thrown into something. He looked up at the vampire with his now glowing red werewolf eyes. He groaned and growled, as he felt himself starting to shift into his monstrous wolf form. Travis had never shifted in front of his mate before, especially not to protect her from vampires like this. He watched the vampires look at him horrified, as he shifted into his wolf form, but what got his attention was his mate.

Travis's wolf eyes locked with Shauna's human ones, before watching them changed to purple with a pained yet shocked look on her face with her heart racing, but she didn't look afraid of him rather more in awe then anything

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Travis's wolf eyes locked with Shauna's human ones, before watching them changed to purple with a pained yet shocked look on her face with her heart racing, but she didn't look afraid of him rather more in awe then anything. He looked back over at the vampires, roaring at them before attacking the one that had attacked Shauna. "Travis your not a monster. Remember who you are."

Wolfed out Travis looked at his mate, as hearing those words made him drop the vampire, before walking/running over to her ignoring the vampires. As he gently reached out a clawed wolf hand to touch her face, he saw the wound on her neck from the vampire and grew more angry, but his main focus was her not the vampires. He gently picked her up in his arms, before leaving the vampires behind, carrying her to safety but Travis was soon tackled out of nowhere.

Travis growled as he dropped Shauna in order to fight the vampire, he heard her groaning and grunting in pain as she hit the ground. He growled at the vampire, whom was trying to hurt him with a blade. He fought the vampire and clawed them, before biting the vampire and throwing them far away into something.

Shauna watched as Travis threw the vampire at something far away. She tried to get up, before feeling a vampire using their foot to punch her back into the ground. "Trav!" She said, catching his attention as he turned towards her roaring

 "Trav!" She said, catching his attention as he turned towards her roaring

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at the vampire who now held a gun at her head. "One more attack and she dies!" The vampire threatened him.
Shauna looked at Travis watching him closely as he stayed in wolf form, looking at her and the vampire.

Travis breathed heavily as he just stood there, trying to think of his next move carefully so that way his mate wouldn't get hurt

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Travis breathed heavily as he just stood there, trying to think of his next move carefully so that way his mate wouldn't get hurt. He watched the vampire keep her to the ground with a gun to her head, he couldn't ask what the vampire wanted now while in werewolf form. "Your probably wondering what I want. Well....what I want is to be able to carry about my business, without worrying about some werewolf and his pack. You guys are a threat to everyone including those you love." The vampire was trying his patience, but he saw Shauna carefully pulling out a blade out of the vampires sight.
He growled at the vampire as he stood there, before roaring again with his fangs and claws out, which he used as a distraction for the vampire.

Shauna took the opportunity once the vampire was distracted to knife him in ankle, and to head butt his hand making the gun fire  at what she thought was nothing, as she heard Travis let out a loud roar before tackling the vampire off her

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Shauna took the opportunity once the vampire was distracted to knife him in ankle, and to head butt his hand making the gun fire at what she thought was nothing, as she heard Travis let out a loud roar before tackling the vampire off her.

The vampire was scoffing at Travis, wondering what he was doing. He only smirked, before looking back at the girl only to hide in pain and be head butted in the hand. His gun fired, watching as the bullet hit Travis in the shoulder, before Travis tackled him. The vampire tried to get Travis off him, but he smirked realizing that Travis was starting to get lightheaded and started to lose his grip on him.

The vampire pulled out a blade laced with more wolves bane, stabbing Travis in stomach painfully and twisting the knife. Not caring, as Travis howled in pain and started to lean over him, as he started to shift back but only slightly. "Such a pathetic werewolf." The vampire said, shoving Travis off them and standing up pointing their gun at him.

Shauna saw all of this and was in shock, she stayed there on the ground watching her mate shift back partly and lay there, in pain with black stuff coming out his wounds and his mouth. She had to intervene or Travis was gonna die, she quickly looked for her blade that she had stabbed the vampire was. "Come on, come on." She mumbled, before making a oh found it face, as she picked it up and snuck up on the vampire from behind.

Travis laid there gasping as black stuff oozed out of his wounds, he felt like he couldn't breathe and he was scared that he was going to die right then and there without getting to tell the woman of his life how much he loved her, and how much he wanted to marry her an have a family with her. "Any last words?" He heard the vampire ask him, he looked behind the vampire to see Shauna ready to them. "Y-your d-done f-for." He rasped out, before watching Shauna stab the vampire in the heart.

The vampire gasped in pain, as the blade pierced their heart. "U v-vray." The vampire said, as they fell to their knees, yelling and screaming in pain. As they started to burn up from the knife, the vampire fell over on their back with their mate rushing over to them. "No!" The vampire shouted.

Shauna soon looked over at Travis and rushed over to him, looking at his wounds. She reached into her pocket to pull out the lighter, before looking at Travis as he grabbed her arm. "I'm not letting you die." She told him, as her voice slightly quivered. She watched him let go of her arm, before looking up at the ceiling as she took his hand teleporting them to Monroe's place, to her room there. Shauna quickly gave him something to bite down on, before starting to burn out the wolves bane.

Nick burkhardts older brother Travis BurkhardtWhere stories live. Discover now