Chapter 4. Asking

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Shortly after Shauna had gone off to work, Travis had got dressed for the day after taking a shower and went to go see Monroe to try and talk to him about possibly marrying his sister.

Travis was very nervous, but Shauna had made him really happy and there was no other woman that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He drove to Monroe's and thought about, how to ask for Shauna's hand in marriage.

He pulled up the Monroe's house and into the driveway, which caught Rosalees attention and Monroe's. "Are you sure, that it was a good idea for him to come over?" Rosalee asked Monroe, having her to meet Nicks brother but was nervous since he was a werewolf.

"Um...yeah. He's Nick brother and besides, he's completely harmless as long as you don't upset him. Trust me it'll be fine, all he wants to do is talk about something important." Monroe reassured her, before turning to go get the door for Travis.

Rosalee sighed softly. "I hope your right." Rosalee told him, before following him to the front door after hearing a car door followed by footsteps. She watched Monroe open the door and greet Travis, who definitely shared some resemblance to his brother Nick.

Monroe opened the door and smiled softly at Travis, before greeting him and opening the door for him to come inside

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Monroe opened the door and smiled softly at Travis, before greeting him and opening the door for him to come inside. "It's good to see you again Travis." Monroe said, as he closed the door. "Rosalee this is Travis. Travis this is my girlfriend Rosalee."

"It's nice to finally meet you." Rosalee told Travis, she wrapped her arm around Monroe's waist.

"You too. And I'm not gonna hurt you Rosalee." Travis said, knowing all to well what the weson have called him over the years especially the counsel.

Rosalee nodded her head, before looking up at Monroe whom spoke up. "Why don't we take this to the living room." Rosalee agreed and followed him to the living room along with Travis.

"Can I get you anything?" Monroe asked Travis, as he sat down on the couch after taking off his jacket. "Coffee is fine Monroe." Travis said, before turning to look at Rosalee then at the ground in front of him. Something was definitely making him nervous, and Rosalee could see it.

"You okay?" Travis heard Rosalee ask him, which made him look up at her sighing softly. "Yeah just nervous about something." He said back.

"May I ask what it is, that you needed to talk to Monroe about?" Rosalee asked him politely with concern.

Travis clenched his jaw and leaned back against the couch a bit, before pulling a small box out of his pocket. "I wanted his permission, before I asked her."

Rosalee picked up the small box and looked at the ring, it was definitely a beautiful one and it made Rosalee smile happily for him.

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful. Does Monroe know you have this?" Rosalee asked him, before frowning a little when Travis said no.

"Not yet. I wanted to show him, when I asked him for her hand in marriage. I love her more then anything, and want to spend the rest of my life with her." Travis said, watching Rosalee as she looked at the ring.

Rosalee smiled, before giving him back the box. "I'm sure Monroe will be okay with you marrying her, and I'm sure she'll say yes. She seems to adore you and love you as much as you do her." Rosalee said, with a soft chuckle as Travis blushed.

"Okay, here's your cup of coffee and here's a cup of tea for you." Monroe said, as he walked into the room seeing Rosalee handing Travis back a ring box. "Box? Ring?" Monroe thought, as he sat down next to Rosalee. "What's that for?" Monroe asked Travis.

Travis looked at Monroe, thanking him for the coffee before trying to think of how to ask Monroe to marry his sister. "I um....I's what I uh..wanted to talk to you about. I want to marry Shauna."

Nick burkhardts older brother Travis BurkhardtWhere stories live. Discover now