Chapter 7. Feeling useless

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Nick and Hank, made it to where Ryan lived with his family, but there was no sign of Ryan or his family. "Clear!" Nick heard cops say, before hearing Hank shout his name. Nick went to where Hank was and finding Ryan dead along with another note. "Were to late." Nick said, watching as Hank pulled the note from the victims jacket. "Congrats, you have found the brother but not the rest of his family. Try looking in the basement." Hank read out loud, before looking at Nick whom was looking at the basement door seeing blood on the ground.

Nick walked towards the door and opened it, shining his light down the stairs before walking down them. He shined his light around the room, covering his nose from the horrible smell, as he saw the rest of the family dead accept the youngest brother was missing from the group. "Woah." Hank said, from the smell and the sight of all the bodies. "Okay, either the killer is crazy or...." Hank could not make sense of this, mess of dead bodies everywhere. "We have a werewolf on our hands." Nick said, looking at the dead bodies as Hank called it in.


Travis went home after the diner and tried to make sense of what was going on with the pack killings. He sighed running a hand through his hair, not liking this one bit especially when it was bad enough with the weson council not trusting him, because of his werewolf genes.

Travis sat down on his couch, looking at the ring box on his coffee table. He wanted to prepose to her, but he needed to tell her the truth about his past even if it was hard, she deserved to know in case people came for her because of him.He texted her and told her that they needed to talk, over at his place tonight and that it would be over dinner as well.

He then got up and went outside, punching a tree feeling like a lousy alpha whom was watching his pack and friends die right before his very eyes, knowing there was nothing that he could do to stop it. "Why!" He shouted loudly, as he continued to punch the tree.

"Travis?" He heard the voice of his girlfriend, he turned to look at her over his shoulder with his glowing red eyes. His expression softened and held one of pain, and regret seeing her standing there looking a bit worried and scared because of the look he had just given her. " everything alright?" He watched her ask him hesitantly.

"My pack is dying." Travis said, looking away from her not wanting her to see him like this. He could hurt her without trying, when he was like this because he was dangerous when he was upset which is why he stayed away from people especially her and his brother.

Because he would never forgive him if he hurt the two of them on accident, in human or his wolf form. "And there's nothing I can do to stop it." Travis hit the tree again, before crying out in pain as he snapped his hand from repeatedly hitting the tree. He held his hand close to his chest, falling to the ground on his knees, fighting back the pain and tears.

Shauna frowned as she listened to how broken and upset her mate was sounding right now. She winced at the snapping sound, before going over to her mate and wrapping her arms around him, bringing him close to her with his head leaning back against her chest.

Nick burkhardts older brother Travis BurkhardtWhere stories live. Discover now