Chapter 9. Engagement/case going wrong

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"I was gonna wait to do this, but I don't want to keep things from you anymore." Travis said, before standing up once Shauna had watched him grab the box. He looked at her, watching her as she stood up not saying anything as she looked at him.

Travis took a deep breath and let it out, before getting down on one knee watching as she brought her hands to her mouth, looking like she wanted to cry

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Travis took a deep breath and let it out, before getting down on one knee watching as she brought her hands to her mouth, looking like she wanted to cry. "Shauna I...sigh...
I have loved you from the moment that I first saw you. You have brought out the best in me and made me feel like myself again.
You have shown me that I'm not a failure or a bad alpha. I can't thank you enough for being there for me, through the highs and lows. I want to experience more of that with you, because your are my life and world." Travis said, as he opened the box showing her the ring that was inside. "Will you be my wife?"

Shauna didn't know what to say, as she stood there in shock, before nodding her head and giving him her slightly shaking left hand

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Shauna didn't know what to say, as she stood there in shock, before nodding her head and giving him her slightly shaking left hand. "Yes. Yes!" She said with excitement, as a smile broke out onto her face. Travis smiled, slipping the ring onto her finger, before standing up and pulling her in for a loving kiss. Happy to finally be engaged to the woman of his life.


Nick and Hank went to take a look at the dead bodies, he walked over to the bodies while Hank spoke to the person. "Any idea what killed them?" Hank asked her. "Not yet. But I did find those marks on the victims. They kinda remind me of animal claw marks, but more deeper and jagged." She told Hank, while Nick looked at the bodies seeing the marks, that mimicked werewolf claw markings. "I did also find this." She said, handing Hank a note and telling Nick about the injuries. Hank read the note and immediately walked over to Nick, waiting til after she left to show it to Nick. "I think we need to go see if the test came back." Hank told Nick.

"Yeah. I think so too." Nick said not seeming to happy, after just reading the note. "You have found the next clue. Better hurry." The note read. Nick walked out of the room with Hank and to their desks, where Nick hopped onto his computer thinking of who the next target could be. "This makes no sense why target the pack? Why not just go straight to the one who created it?" Hank questioned, looking at Nick as he leaned back in his seat.

"Targeting the pack would put more heat on the one who...created it." Nick paused, before typing something on his computer. "You got something?" Hank asked him. "Even if I did, we might have a problem." Nick added, looking up a list of who all had been killed so far, almost everyone had been killed accept for one person. Nick leaned back in his seat a bit to let Hank and only Hank see the screen, as both of them saw who the next target was. "Definitely a problem." Hank mumbled, just as Wu came out with a file. "You guys might want to take a look at this." Wu said, not sounding to happy he actually sounded a little upset.

Nick looked at Wu, before picking up the file and looking at it. His face dropped into one of anger and frustration, he immediately looked at Wu letting Hank see the file.

Nick burkhardts older brother Travis BurkhardtWhere stories live. Discover now