Chaoter 3. Words are deadly part one.

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Wu took the note back to his car along with the rest of the evidence, leaving Hank and Nick to talk about the crime scene more. "You think the note and crime scene is weson related?" Hank asked Nick, as both of them walked back to Nick's car to head back to the precinct. "I don't think this one is. It feels personal, like it's aimed at someone. I just can't tell who it's aimed at, but it being my brothers old boss makes me suspicious. About it being aimed at him." Nick said, opening the drivers side door and hopping in.

"I can agree with you on that. If someone is trying to go after him, you have me and a couple of our weson friends here to help you keep him safe from whoever this is." Hank told Nick, while getting into the passenger seat and buckling up.

"Thanks Hank, but til we know what or who were dealing with, I don't want them involved especially not Shauna." Nick said, as he buckled up before starting the car and getting a look from Hank. "Does she know about all of this?" Hank asked him, before getting a look from him as he pulled the car away from the old warehouse. "Im gonna take that as a no." Hank said, as he went quiet.

The vampire had been watching from the shadows, seeing everything that the cops were doing along with Nick leaving the scene. The vampire soon disappeared, looking at their list to find their next target to kill, and get more information from which was a worker at a new bar, working as a bartender.

The vampire would make their move on them, while the sun wasn't up. And since it was raining, it provided them the right opportunity to make a move on their next target with ease.

Mean while.......

Shauna had woken up to her alarm blaring on her phone, at 8:30 in the morning. She made a small noise, as she looked up from where her head and saw Travis sound asleep. She smiled softly, before reaching over to the nightstand to turn off her alarm, so it didn't wake him up since he had only gotten off two hours ago.

She reached for her glasses then, and pulled them on before pulling back the blankets to get up. Only to feel a pair of arms wrapping around her, pulling her back against a strong chest. Giggling tiredly, she sat her hands on his arms leaning her head back to try and look at him. " much as I want to lay here with you all morning, I kinda have to get ready for work." Shauna told her mate softly, with a smile as she watched him just hold her and not let her go.

"You can wait a few more minutes to get ready. I'm tired and I haven't really gotten to see you, this week because of pulling later shifts then normal. Can I just have a few minutes, with my lovely girlfriend?"
Travis mumbled tiredly, opening his eyes and looking at his girlfriend with so much awe and love.

He really just wanted to spend the day with her, but knew that it wasn't possible because she had to go to work and wouldn't be off til the day after tomorrow. Which is when he wanted to take her out on a nice date, but first he needed to speak with Monroe about something.

"Only for a few more minutes. Then I need to get ready for work." Shauna mumbled back, as she nuzzled her head gently against him not wanting to leave his embrace but she had to work.

Travis chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her temple while holding her just enjoying his time with her, before letting her get up and get ready for work.

Nick burkhardts older brother Travis BurkhardtWhere stories live. Discover now